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" i told you we can just go eat outside,at least we don't have to be here in this such crowded and cramped place " yunho pouts as he pushes the trolley.

" this crowded and cramped place is a supermarket. when was your last time being to an actual supermarket before ? the stone age ? well it's normal that supermarket to be this crowded at this hour"

yunho rolls his eyes playfully before glancing at changmin who was busy looking for ingredients.

" why are you so eager to cook for me? when we can just have a lunch date at a fancy restaurant or something, "

changmin was taken aback with the older statement but he just think that as a joke,

" well, i prefer to cook for you, hyung. plus it's more healthy and at least i can spend more time with you. "

changmin abruptly stops, suddenly realizing what just came out of his mouth. thank god he wasn't facing yunho, or else the older would see his flushed face.

" okay, then. i'll stop complaining since i also want to spend more time with you, changminnie, " yunho chuckles, while walking with his trolley past changmin, but deep down he was really going nuts for changmin's words.

" he's driving me crazy, " changmin mumbles to himself before chasing towards yunho who was wandering around without him.

" s-so, what would you like for breakfast ?" changmin finally catches up with his hyung pace.

yunho glances at his watch that was wrapping around his wrist, before took a while to answer,

" i don't know about you but i don't have my breakfast at 1 pm " yunho was scoffing–tried too hard to not let changmin hear him.

changmin, again flushed before scratching the back of his head,

" urm okay then, what do you want for lunch ? "

yunho quickly throws away all of the dirty thoughts that were clouding his mind before answering,

" i am craving for italian food, but that seems hard to make doesn't it ? "

it was only split seconds, but changmin was already running–heaven knows where. probably searching for the ingredients.

" this dork, " yunho chuckles before searching for wandering changmin.

after a while pushing the empty trolley, yunho finally found changmin–with his hands full of cooking ingredients, that he almost dropped a cabbage.

" whoa, let me give you a hand there, " yunho let the trolley set free just to run over to help the suffering changmin.

" t-thanks hyung, " well, with that simple act of kindness, changmin was falling head over heels again for that man.

but, he continues searching for meat, and he doesn't know which part of meat does the older likes.

while he was searching, yunho suddenly appears from his back, putting his chin onto changmin's shoulder.

changmin was startled, but he kinda likes how his innocent hyung peeking over the meats he trying to choose.

" hey, which part of meat do you like the most ? tenderloin or ribeye ? "

yunho looks up to meet changmin's eyes before noticing that the younger's flushed face.

" i'll go with tenderloin, " yunho straightens his back and continues pushing the trolley,

he kept on thinking if he was making changmin feel uncomfortable. he can't help but notice that the other's face was flushed and it seems like changmin was flustered everytime yunho did something or say something to him.

yunho waits at an ice cream section, searching for changmin's appearance. that man seemed so absorbed in shopping that he forgets about yunho.

" yunho-hyung !! " changmin calls out for yunho's name in excitement as he runs towards the older with groceries in his arms.

" i'm  sorry, i always got carried away while shopping groceries. it turns out there's so many things i don't have at home that i want to buy, " changmin chuckles while scratching the back of his head as he puts the groceries inside the trolley.

" are you okay ? you look tired, " changmin asked as the older's face seems so tired.

" i'm okay, " yunho smiles, actually he is actually fine, but changmin kept bothering his mind. everytime he tried to focus on something, the deer would appear in his mind and it's crazy.

" let's go pay and have a rest. while eating ice cream ! " changmin said excitedly as he picks up some ice cream from the freezer.

yunho can only afford to give a fatherly smile (a/n ; uhuks ) before choosing an ice cream.

after done paying, they sit on a bench outside of the mall: they were sitting just inches apart and still yunho's heart can't stop skipping a beat.

it's like his hand and face are so hot that the ice cream melts so quickly: or rather he didn't pay too much attention to the ice cream other than staring at changmin.

" hyung ! eat your ice cream !! it's dripping to your clothes ! " changmin nags as he wipes yunho's clothes with a napkin.

this simple act of kindness can't stop yunho from blushing, he finishes his ice cream in split second to avoid changmin to wipe any other ice cream stain from him or rather he would explode.

along the car ride, yunho did almost all of the talking, about how he misses the city and how he loves the countryside more than the busy city.

" is there any other place you would like to visit, changminnie ? " yunho suddenly asked as they pulled over to the parking lot of yunho's apartment.

" well other than this city, i've never been anywhere. " changmin pauses before unbuckling his seatbelt.

" me too, " yunho chuckles before they jumped out of the car with hands full of groceries.

as yunho put in his passcode, they entered the studio style apartment. changmin has say this a lot but he really loves yunho's house,

especially the scent of cinnamon and vanilla, the warmth that he missed.

they both put the groceries on the kitchen counter before yunho unpacking the groceries.

" changmin- to be honest... i never buy groceries before so... i don't know how to store these all, " yunho stutters before letting out a big ass laugh–embarrassed laugh.

" that's why i'm here, hyung. let me help you, " changmin walks towards yunho, rummaging through the groceries and stores all of them really quickly.

yunho can barely see his hands, no joke. yunho was standing there so awkwardly, making him look useless. so without any hesitation, he tried to help changmin by grabbing a can of pasta sauce and tried to put it into the refrigerator.

" hyung!! what are you doing ? " changmin chuckles before yunho stood there, dumbfounded.

" that doesn't go in there, " again, changmin tried to control his laughter in before grabbing the can from yunho. doing so, their hands touched, making both of them flustered.

changmin clears his throat before saying,

" so shall we start cooking ? "

a/n : omg this is so boring... (yawns) and your gal is so busy with exams and assignments so i will probably go on hiatus again 😢

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