Mitchs skype???

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'The Missing Piece' Chapter 6


When I got back to the hotel I put Stella's number in my phone right away. I called her and we talked for hours about minecraft and YouTube and Los Angeles. "So wanna go to the mall around 6?" "Sounds great! I'll see ya there!" I said. "I can pick you up in my car if you'd like." "Ooo I have a driver!" We both laughed. "I'll see ya at 6! Bye!" I said as I hung up. I changed into something a little nicer, fixed my hair and makeup, grabbed my purse and headed out the door. *skip to the mall*

"I challenge you Madam Stella!" "Oh you're on Madam Willow!" We both laughed as we hit each other with foam minecraft swords. "Hey don't damage those!" The store manager yelled as we dropped the swords and fled. We ran to a different store laughing the entire time. "Maybe we had too much Starbucks!" Stella said holding up her giant Starbucks coffee. "I'll second that." I said tapping my coffee against hers. We both took a long drink of our coffees. "Welp mines gone." I said fake pouting. "Aww it's ok wittle Willow I'll buy you candy!" Stella said patting my head. "Yay! lezzz goooo!" I exclaimed jogging out of the store. "Watch out!" Someone screamed as I bumped into them knocking us both over. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I said jumping off of them and helping them up. 'What an anti-power move Willow!' "It's ok dood." The boy said. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Power Moves Only' "Hey I'm Mitch." He said putting his hand out. "I'm Willow and-" I was cut off by Stella running up to me wiggling her eyebrows. "This is Stella." I said to Mitch. Stella turned around and her eyes got huge. "You're bajancanadian!" "The one and only!" He said with a smile. I just stood there. I can't believe bajancanadian, my life savior, was standing right in front of me. "And you're skydoesminecraft! And munching brotato! And Minecraft Universe!" Stella said going down the line of boys. "Hey you're a fan! That's really great to hear!" Skydoesminecraft or Adam, said smiling. Minecraft Universe or Jason looked at me. "Are you a fan?" "Totally! A huge fan! You guys don't understand what you've helped me get through." I said smiling. "Glad we could help. But I doubt *cue Janet voice* auntie Janet was very helpful." We all laughed. "Do you guys play minecraft?" Mitch asked. "Ya!" Stella and I said at the same time. "Cool! Well here's my skype call me if you ever wanna play together." Mitch said winking at me. My face got hot. "Oh that'd be awesome!" I said trying not a scream. "Well we better be going." Adam said waving to us. We all said our goodbyes and walked away. I can't believe I have the bajancanadian's Skype written on my hand right now. AUTHORS NOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~ I was having a problem with wattpad and the chapters were deleted. Chapter 7-8 are right here. :)
'The Missing Piece' Chapter 7
"I'm just saying, if you're gonna fill a bag of chips only half way, make the bag that size to!" Adam groaned as he tossed his empty bag into the trash. He always complains about his chip bag being too small. "Lez goooo!" I heard a girl yell as she sprinted out of a store. "Watch out!" I yelled but I was to late. She ran right into me knocking us both over. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She said jumping off me and helping me up. She had light brown hair that was straight and green eyes that were huge but beautiful. "It's ok dood." I said dusting off my pants. *skip this part y'all know what happens :3*
Back to willows POV:
*back at the hotel* I added Mitch on Skype as soon as I got back to the hotel. I took a shower and let the warm water drip down my back. I started thinking about my first day in L.A. I met my idols, made a friend and got Mitch's Skype. My life was finally turning out the way I wanted it to be. I was happy for once. No bullies, no parents, no school, and maybe even no cutting.... Maybe I'll get to meet the rest of team crafted! I heard my phone buzz and poked my head out if the shower. (S= Stella W= Willow)
S- Hey wanna do something tomorrow? You can invite Mitch if you want ;)
W- sure! I'll tell him to bring anyone he wants so you can meet your dream boy ;P
S- sorry I already got a boy! But tell him to bring anyone he would like
W- kk gtg text ya later bye
S- see ya
*20 minutes later*
I was showered and ready for bed when my phone buzzed. Mitch added me on Skype! I did a little FanGirl happy dance and set my phone down. I smiled I actually smiled. Not a forced one, but one they just occurs naturally. I closed my eyes and settled into a deep sleep. For once I didn't cry myself to sleep.
'The Missing Piece' Chapter 8
Willows POV:
I woke up in the morning to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered. "Willow I'm outside your hotel! Come on!" "Oh I'm not even ready ok just hold on a sec!" I said hanging up. I messaged Mitch and asked him if he wanted to go. He responded right away saying he could go! I told him we'd pick him up and I need his address and all that stuff. I put my phone down and ran over to my suitcase. I picked out a cute long sleeved shirt (cover up my scars), jean shorts and put on my black high tops. I straightened my hair, did my makeup and bolted out the door. "Willow!" Stella yelled out the window of her car. I sat in the passengers seat. "Is Mitch coming?" "Yeah he told me his address so we can pick him up." "Lez gooo!" *time skip* we arrived at the team crafted house which was HUGE! "I'll go get them." I jumped out of the car and knocked on their door. Mitch answered the door looking HOT. "Ready to go?" "Yep! Can I bring Jerome to? He gets lonely without his benja." Jerome poked his head around the corner fake pouting. I laughed and said it was fine. We all got into the car ready to go bowling.
At the bowling alley we ran into some fangirls. "You're Mitch!" "OMG marry me!" "Can I have your Skype!" "Jerome is here too?! Gimme dat bacca booty!" The girls said as Jerome and Mitch signed things for them. They were just about to leave when they looked at Stella and I. "Who are they?" They said looking disgusted. "They're our friends." Mitch said smiling at us. "Whatever they're ugly." A girl said. "Don't call them ugly!" Jerome yelled as he shooed the girls away. I felt like crying. 'Dont be a baby Willow!' To late. Tears were already streaming from my eyes. "Willow what's wrong Stella said hugging me. "I-It's nothing lets just bowl." I said wiping the tears away. Stella just smiled and let go of me, but Mitch wouldn't look away. "Willow can we talk? Alone? When we get back?" "Sure Mitch" I said looking away.

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