Epilogue <3

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'The Missing Piece' Epilogue Much love everyone. Make sure to read the last chapter. Stay updated. Bye. :)



"Done!" I exclaimed slamming the scrapbook shut. "Finally!" Jason said walking into the room. He was holding y/n in his arms. She/he was only 6 months old. As soon as Jason set y/n down Immediately he/she started crawling away from him. I chuckled and picked up y/n. I sat back down at the kitchen table with y/n in my lap. Jason pulled a chair over and sat down as well. "What's this?" He flipped through the scrapbook. "Just some pictures of team crafted and memories. I smiled looking at some of them. Jerome shooting Mitch with a nerf gun. Stella and I hugging before she left for a month to visit her parents. Adam holding y/n for the first time with the biggest smile on his face. Sarah, Alesa, Stella, Louise, and I all mid jump. Tyler dressed up as a grumpy cat for Halloween giving us a thumbs up. Ty and Quentin recording side by side. Jason giving me a piggyback ride. Ian with his swag glasses on and making it rain money. The guys standing in front of the house. Preston giving Sarah a giant stuffed bear. All the guys standing there with giant minecraft heads on. A picture of Jason and Is tattoos. All the guys recording together. Me and Sarah worshiping a box of pizza. A picture from the party we had after I threw away my razor and stopped cutting. I started to tear up wish the memories could've lasted forever. Y/n was happily sucking on her fingers. The final picture was a picture we took just last week. It was all of us and our families. Me, Jason and y/n. Adam and Alesa with their twin sons Blake and Jack. Preston and an 8 months pregnant Sarah. Louise and Jerome with no children (yet :3) Mitch and Ashley with their daughter Ally. Ian and Maddie with their son *insert Ians sons name •_•* and baby girl Miranda. Quentin and Rachel (I think •_•) with their daughter Lucie, Ty and Jocelyn with their newborn baby Thomas. lastly Tyler and Shelby with their son Cooper, and daughter Nicole. Everyone quit YouTube by now and had families. I notice the tears streaming down my face and hold y/n tighter. Her/his little slobbery fingers grab my thumb. I can't imagine what it would've been like without her/him or Jason. Jason wraps his arms around us all. What if I did kill myself? I never would've lived to do anything like this. Everything I've wanted to do since I was a little girl. Don't ever commit suicide. You won't ever get to experience these things you've dreamed about. You just gotta find your missing piece.

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