I love you Jason

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'The Missing Piece' Chapter 27



I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining. I noticed Jason was sleeping so I quietly wiggled out of his arms. Luckily he didn't wake up. I planted a kiss on how forehead and walked-no I skipped downstairs. Adam was walking around downstairs looking like a zombie. He gave me a confused look as I skipped into the kitchen. Preston and Sarah were in the kitchen along with Jerome who's face was asleep on his plate. "Willow you seem happy this morning." Preston said with a chuckle. I shrugged and looked at Sarah. 'Hey I have another friend who I'm dying for you to meet. Her name is Stella and we could all go shopping or something today." Sarah nodded and continued to eat her breakfast. She seems shy but really nice. Her and Preston were adorable together too! I ship it. Oh no. My FanGirl mind is taking over. I grabbed a spoonful of Nutella (as usual) and headed out of the kitchen. Adam was still wondering around looking confused. "Adam. Go this way." I grabbed his shoulders and gave him a shove towards the kitchen. "Uh huh." He said as he ran into the door. He shook his head and messed with the handle before opening it. I was suddenly picked up from behind and spun around. Jason. He set me down and I hugged him. I kissed him as Mitch and Ashley walked down the stairs. They just kinda stood the watching us. Jason and I released each other and held back our laughter as Mitch and Ashley looked confused. I nudged Jason and he got the message. He picked me up and carried me into his room. We burst out laughing. "Their faces!" I said clutching my sides. I was practically rolling on the floor. This is why our relationship works. We laugh at the stupidest things together. We finally stopped laughing when we heard Tyler yell at us in his Janet voice. "I swear. If you two don't shut it I'll beat yo ass." Jason and I silently laughed. I think our relationship is going to last a long time.

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