Mitch makes a big decision

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'The Missing Piece' Chapter 24


Mitch'sPOV- :3

Do I go back? Do I stay? Do I breakup with Ashley and beg for Willow to forgive me? No. I'm staying with Ashley, but I'm going back. My fans need me and so do my friends. I shut my laptop and grabbed my already packed suitcase, my phone and some other things like my wallet. The shower was still running which meant Ashley was still in there. Why do girls take so long to shower? About 20 minutes later Ashley stepped out of the bathroom dressed looking beautiful. "Why do you have your suitcase?" She asked gesturing to my giant suitcase. "We're going back to the team crafted house." She groaned. "Why? You could come with me! Why go back to the place where you had your heart broken, and all your friends hate you now." "They don't hate me! Ian even texted me saying he needs me to come back." She grabbed her suitcase. "Ugh fine. But if Willow even looks at me I swear I'll smack her across the face." Ashley quickly packed and we checked out of the hotel. We hopped in my car and I started up the engine. About half way there Ashley finally said something. "Do the guys hate me?" She asked looking at me with watery eyes. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Of course not." I gave her a small smile before looking at the road again. Do the guys hate her? I doubt it. A few minutes later we were already there. I got out of the car and looked at Ashley. She seemed nervous. I handed her her suitcase and grabbed her hand. "It'll be okay." She smiled and we walked to the door. I hesitated before knocking. It's now or never Mitch. I knocked and heard footsteps heading towards the door.

The missing pieceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora