Who is she?

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I stood up and Looked at her.
"Uh..erm...are you w-waiting for one of them?!" I asked as I was pointing to all 7 that were practicing.
I didnt know if this was anothers girlfriend, but who cared Since it wasnt legitimately my business.

"Oh!~ Yes Im waiting for Jung Hoseok~" She said as she smiled.
"Oh Hos-" Suddenly Hoseok came running towards the girl almost tripping.
"Aye! You made it~!" Hoseok said as he hugged the girl next to me.
"Uh....w-who is she??!" I asked confusingly as I poked Hoseok.

"Oh Her?! Shes my older sister! Jung Dawon!~" Hoseok said as he Looked at me and his sister.

"Oh! Thats interesting~" I said as I jumped a bit.

"And who are you? Why are you in the practice room?!" Dawon said as she chuckled a bit.

"Oh shes the group's younger sister~ She could also be your younger sister if you want Jung Dawon!" Hoseok said as he smiled wide Letting go of Dawon.

"Oh! Heheh I didn't know~" Dawon immediately Elbowed Hoseok on the chest.
"Hehhe why didn't you tell me?! Like, that the group had a younger sister! Look at her shes so Cute~ She kind of looks like V though...Did Taehyung get a child?!!" Dawon gasped and then cupped her hands up to her mouth.

"Well now you know, and no Dawon! Taehyung didn't get married and have a child!" Hoseok said as he was about to burst out laughing.

"Uh nice to meet you J-jung Dawon?!" I said While shaking her hand.
"Nice to meet you uh....erm.." Dawon said as she stopped.

"Uh my name is Min, Min-Seo~" I said.
"Hi Minseo~!" She pulled me closer to her and hugged me tightly.

"Wow a younger sister this is nice!~ BUT ANYWAYS!~ Hoseok I brought you some food and a bit of clothing if you need for when you arrive in LA!" Dawon said as she let go of me and handed a Bag of food and backpack to Hoseok.

"Oh! Well Thank you Dawon! You are the best!" Hoseok said as he was smiling holding the two bags.
For some reason his words "You are the best " Made me feel weird. Since I didn't really have biological sibings, I was never told I was the best by my parents nor my friends. I smiled because I knew that Hoseok had a nice relationship with his sister which gave me joy. I suddenly Felt a hand tap me on my shoulder and I quickly Turned around.

"Hah Oh! Hello Jung Dawon! Nice to see you here!" Taehyung said as he was shaking her hand.
"Oh good afternoon! I have to go now! My fashion Company is working on some new clothing line. Hoseok, when you have the time please come and model! Bye guys!!" Dawon said as she waved to everyone including me. She ran out of the doors and Quickly got into her car.

"Ok guys lets pack since we already finished practice." Namjoon said as he was heading to the doors.

We got our backpacks and got on the black car again. We were to drive to a nearby Store, to buy some food and drinks for the trip.

"Ok guys lets go and get the food we need!" Namjoon said as he got out of the car and Entered the store.
I got some pocky and a little bit of candy. I also got a cake from the bakery in the store.
"Hey! Hey! Careful there! You cant be getting a ton of junk food you'll get sick." Jin said as he was walking past me with a cart.
"Aw! Please! I will only get the cake and the pocky then! Can I get a soda at least?!" I said as I begged him.
Jin then handed me a water and I groaned.
"Ok fine I'll drink water!~" I said holding the water bottle with my left.
We all got some food and snacks. Jin bought a lot of refreshments and when we finished paying we all got into the car.

We were driving to the Airport, and once we got there we left a whole mess in the car. All of us picked up our trash and put it in a bag. Once we walked out I gestured Jungkook to give me the plastic bag to throw it away since, there was a garbage can next to me.

We entered the Airport and Namjoon was already telling the lady where we were heading. I was sitting with the rest of the boys when I suddenly heard a crowd of girls yelling and cheering. Their screams made me turn around and get up, but I hit my head with the shelf above my seat.
"Oww! Who puts a shelf above a seat?!!" I said as I was Patting my head.
"Uh Min-seo Lets go. Our flight is ready." Taehyung said as he had he mask on.
We headed towards the crowd and bodyguards were everywhere. I could see a lot of Fans looking confused and looking at me.






I heards fans yelling.
I was pushed and shoved by some fans and suddenly fell on my butt.
"EEK!" I yelled as I sat on the ground. Taehyung who was behind me Picked me up and carried me the whole path.
"Oh wow you are very light Min." Taehyung said as he was looking at me and the ground for his safety.

"Anyways be careful, our fans are very strong when they are crowded in airports. You okay?! " Taehyung said as he looked straight at me with a face of worry.

"Yeah Im okay" I said as Tae was still walking towards the path.

We safely got on the plane, and Taehyung put me down carefully. We all got to our seats and I was next the window. Jungkook was next to me sleeping on my shoulder, and Next to Jungkook was Taehyung, who was watching his phone. I tapped on Seokjins shoulder who was in front of me.
"How much hours does it take to get to California?" I asked as I was whispering.
"Oh it takes around 13 hours and 30 minutes." He said as he quickly answered my question.
"Heheh ok..." I said Confusingly and scratching my neck.
13 hours and 30 minutes Dang thats long!
When we got to LAX, there was still more fans but eventually we got to our hotels.
"This is your hotel Min! If you need anything let us know we are next door to you." Jungkook said as he walked out of my room.
"Wow this hotel is bigger then the last one I was in in Seoul~" I giggled and looked at the view from my window when I immedialtly turned around to here a loud scream.
I gasped and ran to the others hotel room.
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled with a tear on my eye, as I barged into the room.

I know Im getting very boring lately so Pardon me~ bye Hope you guys enjoyed anyways! Thanks for reading!

-A/N I know Im getting very boring lately so Pardon me~ bye Hope you guys enjoyed anyways! Thanks for reading!

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