The Unexpected Announcement

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Human. We can't sense how our day will turn out to be. Today could be the best day of your life when you least expected it. Or it could be the worst day of your life as we speak. The day could start with being in time, passing through all the green light on a drive but ended up forgetting a paper to school and getting a detention for the whole evening. Ruining the whole day by wasting it in our least favorite place. We can't blame people for not having that sixth sense but why can't other human understand that it was out of our control.

One evening, when I was still at the age of mid teens, when doing a sleepover is a routine. By that I mean 2 years ago. It was Friday, the usual day where my best friend Eloise and I would have a movie night either at my house or hers. In this case it's mine.

The night before, I choose the snack, pick the movie and lay my silky pink pajama ready on my spinning chair. I still have One direction poster up my bright pink wall, I still have a stack of Seventeen magazine up on the shelf, and my only worry is not to lose another scrunchy. We've all been through that phase. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

It's the day of the week Eloise and I always look forward to. I was pumped on making sure it was the best day of the week, nothing can ruin my mood knowing later its the Friday night sleepover. Not even detention.

As the night fall, waiting for Eloise on the couch down stairs at the living room, I remember the excitement waiting for the bell to ring but instead our house phone did. I receive a call from her home. "Remember the test we took last spring?" She squealed on the other end of the line. "I made it! Laurie I MADE IT!"

And that turned to be the worst day of my life.

There's time she couldn't make it to my house, and there's time I couldn't make it to hers, but those bad days could be easily forgotten. That night, How can I just forget that my best friend is currently packing her bags and moving to New york a week later?

For her it might be the best day that can't be forgotten, but for me.... No more Friday that keep me going for the week. No more Eloise on my right side as we walk down the school hallway.

Back to present.

The bird chirping outside my window is probably on crack. It was nice enough for me to buy them a little home, a roof for shelter, but I swear their chirp got louder everyday. It frustrates me to the point I almost chop down the tree of their little home myself, but the evil thought simmer down by the mesmerizing sunrise right outside my window, even though almost half of the view covered by trees and my neighbors's roof, but the same sun leave the sky open bright and the day still goes on.

What is it going to be for today? It's too beautiful to be grumpy anyway.

My body lurched forward after a shoulder bump into mine. "Watch it!" I tried not to sound irritated even though I am. He almost knocked the life out of me.

It's just another day in school, a few steps in into the facilities I already miss my warm bed. Though I sleep in the smallest room in my house, where everything can be reach in a stretch, but right now I don't mind it. I swear, I won't even complain about it ever again.

"Sorry!" The clumsy freshman apologized whilst running, moving his little body, dodging human in his process through this packed hallway. This long Beige hallway always threw me off, since day one. Nothing against the color Beige, but isn't that too bright for a depressing place? It also reminds me of grandma's table cloth back in Arizona.

Manuscript by Astrid (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now