Mystery People

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     Ill start with when we lived in Hinkley and Bartsow California back in 1987-1992.  We'll we lived between the two not far from Johnston's Corner before moving into Barstow. Our neighbor to the right of us had Pistachio fields and the river bed ran a couple of hundred yards behind our house. The river was always dry but occasionally they would open the flood gates and let the river run.
     We lived in a camper trailer about 30ft long for 5 years in the Mojave dessert. It was fun. My brother and I had a blast chasing lizards, making makeshift swings out of lawn chairs, and playing in the smaller dust devils. We would go hiking in the mountains in front of our house with our parents. But once the sun went down strange things happened.
     My brother slept on the kitchen table, it folded down into a bed, and I had the bottom bunk with the window. The top bunk had all our stuff on it. I was 4 or 5 years old when the mystery people showed up.
     One night I remember waking up to a bright light shinning through the window coming from down around the river bed. It was floating high above the ground. I seen some people walking from the light but the strange thing was is that they weren't wearing any clothes and they were taller than any person I've ever seen before. I watched for a little bit as they walked closer to the house before getting scared and burrowing my head in the pillow. I don't know what they were doing or where they went I was just lying in my bed acting like I was asleep. The next day I told no one because I knew they wouldn't believe me anyways. They would just say that I dreamed it and I had an over active imagination.

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