Life goes On

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      I know a lot of people don't believe in psychics and sensitive people. Not the sensitive kind of people that go crying when they get their feelings hurt. Big babies grow up.  No one is going to walk by your side through life hugging you when situations get rough. Suck it up buttercup it's life and no one likes whiny babies.  I'm talking about the sensitive people that can feel different energies around them. That can pick up on people's moods and can tell when something bad is fixing to happen. When you can walk into a room and instantly know how every one is feeling. Or can stand at a distance and read a person.
       These people do exist but there are people that don't have these abilities and pretend they do just to make a few bucks.
      I call it "feelings" but others call it something different. My feelings have saved my ass from a lot of bad things in the past. I've had a vision of myself, when I lived with my cousin, going into the kitchen and slitting my wrists. My cousin took me to a shrink but he referred me to another shrink after the 3rd visit. I guess I freaked him out.  When I was in middle school I had counselors that I would see. One of them called my dad and said that I should see a shrink because I said I could see ghost.
     A lot of people keep experiences to themselves because of people calling them crazy and that it's all in their heads. Trust me I've heard the same comments and more. I was told to stop telling people what I saw but my brother believed me.
     I trust my feelings because they have never led me wrong before. I still see and hear things that aren't there and sometimes feel stuff brush against me. It doesn't matter what people say. If you are one of the many people with abilities don't let society rule what you know is true. Just don't do anything illegal.
      I will always have these abilities until the day I die and no one on earth can change it.

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