Hanging Heads

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     Ok, this story I'm going to tell is the only one that has scared me to the point I didn't stay in our house for 3 days.
     I moved back to Pace Florida when I was in the 6th or 7th grade to live with my mom. The house we moved into was on Fowler Dr. right across the street from plant avenue. My mom got the house cheap. Real cheap. $30,000.
     The man that lived in the house murdered his wife on the front porch. He blew her brains out into the front yard supposedly in front the cops.

      I didn't have a good feeling when we moved in a little while later. The first thing I noticed before walking through the front door was that  it looked like the door was peppered by a shotgun. After examining the door I walked into the living. We moved almost all their stuff out and moved what we had at the time in. 

     The first night I tried sleeping on a pallet in the living on the floor because we didn't have any beds or furniture yet. I remember having a feeling of being watched and pin pointed where it was coming from. I got up and looked out the kitchen window into the backyard. There was a tall full figure of a man standing in between the two trees that had a clothes line attached to them. The smile he had on his face was evil looking. He was just standing there starring at me.  He had a butcher's knife in one hand and a severed head by the hair in the other hand. On the clothes line there were numerous severed heads just hanging there by their hair. I stood watching him for a min before walking away.
     The next day I told my mom what I seen and told her that I didn't want to stay here. So I went back to my grandma's house a couple miles up the road and stayed for a few days before coming back to the house.
     I never seen the figure ever again after this.

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