Knowing Death

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Knowing things is one thing but having the heart to tell is another.

This is about my aunt that lived about 200 yards up the hill from me in 2019.
I used to care and train horses for my cousin (her son i'll call Bill). Oh how I miss it, watching the babies run around teaching them to walk on a lead line. My aunt would pay me for it. I done that for 7 to 8 years. Seen many of baby born.
My other cousin( her daughter I'll call jill) Jill calls me and asks if I could keep an eye on my aunt for a few days. Just check in on her. Well, I always go up and talk to her so that's no biggie.

This is the first of 3 days. One my aunt calls me a little after midnight telling me that she fell and if we would come help her up, I said sure. So me and my fiance walk up to her house and get her off the floor. We talked for a minute before heading home.

The second time this happened Jill calls me saying that she can't get ahold of her mom and asks if I would go up and check on her. I did. I found her sitting on the the floor again. She told me that she has been sitting there all night. I asked her why she didn't call me. This time she helped getting up. She told me not to tell Jill, that she didn't want her to come home early from her vacation because of her. I didn't tell.

3rd day.
My aunt asks me if I could pick some stuff up for at the grocery store since I had to go anyway and I say ok.
This is where it gets normal for me.
As I was in the store something kept telling me I needed to get back to the house. So I cut my shipping and paid for stuff and left. I had that feeling that something was bad wrong, so I drove faster than normal. I pulled up to my aunts house and I could see the lawn guy in her kitchen and her on the floor.
When I went in I asked her a few questions to see if anything hurt bad. She told me that she was standing at the sink when suddenly everything went black and she came too on the floor. I called a person to send some guys up to help get her off the floor.
I called her daughter and we talked her to going to the emergency room.
The first time I visited her she was in her own room normal as she could be.
The second time was different. As I drove to the hospital something told me she was icu. When I got to the hospital, knowing she was not in a private but asked anyway. The lady at the desk told me she was icu and all I could say was I had feeling she was.
I walked into the icu and Jill and a few other people were sitting talking. One girl I went to school with married into the family.
When visiting time came I went back to see my aunt. I seen her hooked up the machine and tubes coming out her mouth. I was standing at the foot of the bed when I moved the sheet up to uncover her foot. Laying the palm of my hand on top of her foot I got all the answers nobody knew yet. Just that one touch I knew she was not there. I could not tell anyone because I didn't want them to loose hope.
A day or two later they took her off life support. She passed away a few hours after that on 6/17/19.

I knew by that one touch that my aunt was gone but I didn't have the heart to tell her daughter or son. Still to this day they I haven't told them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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