The Clowns

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     Alot of people are afraid of clowns but when you dont own any clown stuff it kinda makes you wonder things. 

     This happened after my parents divorced and my mom took my brother and i to live in Florida. This was in 1997 when i was in the 4th grade. My brother and i moved back in with our dad a couple years later. I was going into the 6th grade and my brother went to 7th grade in stringer. In my room i had a king sized bed that sat on the floor facing west towards a window that i had a small curtain over. 

      One night i was awoken by a feeling of being watched so i sat up in my bed to see if anything was there. Standing at the foot of my bed was 2 clown looking figures that just stared at me. I told them to go away before i laid back down to go back to sleep. I still felt them looking at me. I told them to go away a couple more times before almost yelling it at them. It took me almost yelling to get them to go. They didn't scare me it just made me mad because my sleep was interrupted. 

     Not long after that my brother moved back to Florida so at night i had the house to myself until my dad got home work. OK thing is, is that we lived in the middle of nowhere and people coming around didn't happen. I got a bad feeling one night because it sounded like someone was throwing rocks at the house. I called my half sister because they were the closest to us, about a mile up the road. Her Husband came and checked everything out and waited for dad to get home. He told dad why he was there and what had happened. What was weird was that he couldn't find any rocks or foot prints anywhere  around the house. 

     After that happened something scared me enough that i went to my dads room and got in bed.  At the head of his bed was a window. When i looked out the window i could see red glowing eyes starring back . 

     Little did i know at the time that my future was going to be Alot different than anyone else. 

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