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         I have a saying "When I hear the wolf howl death follows".

     After the Dragon the activity died down for a while. I moved to Vicksburg to live with my cousin for a while and go to college. Well, I met my ex husband at hinds community college. I was living with him in a trailer park on why 61 south when my grandpa died.
     This is the first time I've heard the wolves so I didn't pay that much attention to them. I have since then figured it out.
     I heard the howl of the wolf about a week or two before he died. At the time my cousin and I were not on speaking terms so when they showed up I just told my ex to keep driving. My dad called and told me they just wanted to tell me what had happened. They told him what I done and he said that he should have sent a cop. I said you should have.

     The next time I heard the howls was with my step dad. Something told me to go visit before going to work that night and I did. I talked with mom and talked to him but he was on meds. I remember feeling that this was the last time I would ever see him again. He had my mom and hospice taking care of him. I remember driving to work telling God that his time on earth is done and that it's time for him to rest.
      The next morning my boss came in my residents room where I was at and pulled me out into the hall. She told me that he had passed away.

     By this time I'm putting two and two together about the wolf howls.
     I heard them again before my Aunt Barbra (on my dad's side of the family) died from cancer. I was cleaning my aunts house ( my  mom's sister) when my dad called me and told me the news.
     Heard the howl again but this time it was before and after my aunt (my mom's brothers wife) passed away.  I remember laying in bed at my grandma's house in Florida with tears coming from my eyes. Tears for not only my aunt but also because another death was going to happen.
    The howls I heard that night were for my mom's brother. My uncle Bill died from a heart attack in his room a year or two later.  He lived with grandma (his mom) when it happened.
     I was staying with my uncle Robert helping and keeping an eye on him when I heard them again. He had stage 4 cancer that had spread to his brain. It was hard emotionally. The first howl was earlier in the week and sounded far off but the last time I heard the howl was 2 nights before he died. They were so loud that it sounded like they were coming from the front yard.

      Every time I hear the wolf howl I know death follows. I don't know who but it's the only time I hear them.


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