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           Have you ever had a dream that you felt everything? I have many times.

    This story happened back in 2013 or 2014. We moved back to Mississippi in "08" into my uncle mother's house. She passed away in the hospital "07". When you walk into the house in are in the living room. There is a door on the right that leads into my room that you have to go through to get to the bathroom and the other bedroom.
      My bed was facing north and south and you look right at the backdoor when you lay in bed. Well one night I was having a bad dream but couldn't wake myself up from it. In the dream I seen a person standing in the living room looking around before looking straight at me. I seen the face then seen him lift his right arm. In my dream I knew what was about to happen but couldn't do anything about it. I just closed my eyes and excepted it. I heard the gun go off and I woke up. I could feel the burning where the bullet entered through my temple but didn't exit. It felt 100 times worse than a migraine and it felt like my head was going to explode. I sat up and ran my hand along my head to see if there was any blood but their wasn't. All I could do was put pressure on both sides of my head and close my eyes to get just a smidgen of relief. It took a while for the burning, the pain, and the ringing in my ear to go away.
     I just remember laying there in my bed crying and thinking to myself that this must be how being shot feels like.  I just hope this one NEVER comes true.
     They say you can still hear and see for about I think a minute after you are dead.

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