The Mouse

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     This next story took place when i was in 2nd or 3rd grade. When we left California in 1992 and moved back to Mississippi, we lived in a small town called Soso before moving to a spot in Taylorsville on the Smith and Jasper county line. 

     We were renting a lot that was on at least 200 acres of both wooded and farm land. Our nearest neighbor was our half sister that lived a mile down the road.  We were always going hunting, fishing in the ponds, riding the 4 wheeler and go cart, and climbing in trees. We didn't have friends that came over so it was always my brother and me. 

      We finally got a mobile home i think in 1993 and were able to sell the camper. YAY!!  My bedroom was at the very end of the hall and my brother's was right next to mine. His was smaller than mine. You see the layout of the house was you started in the living room then the kitchen. Thats where the hall started. the washer and dryer were on the left so was the bathroom. As you walked down further my brothers door was on the left before  walking straight into my room. 

     Well, one evening when we were going to our rooms, because it was bed time, a mouse came out from between the washer and dryer. My brother was in front of me when he seen the mouse. All of a sudden he turns around and runs me over knocking me down to the ground in the process of trying to get back to the living room. I got up as fast as i could and ran back to the couch. I sat at the end of the couch so i could see if i could find out where the mouse went. Mom and Dad were laughing at us. When i looked down the hall hallway i seen a white figure standing about a foot off the ground in front of the bathroom with his hands out in front of him. You could see the holes in each palm where a nail went. I seen his face before i turned to look at the picture of Jesus we had hanging on the wall. It was the same person. When i turned around to look at him more he was gone. I asked if they saw the person in the hall but they didn't, they just looked at me weird. 

    The thing is, is that we never had mice problems before or after that. It just got to where more unexplainable things started happening.  

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