Damsel Not So In Distress

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Jenna was annoyed with Peter to say the least

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Jenna was annoyed with Peter to say the least. Her best friend was a no show for eighth time that week, and she was sick of it. Now, she had no other choice but to walk home from the library, alone and late at night.

She knew it wasn't a good idea but she didn't have money for a cab, her phone was dead and her parents were at work. The only person she'd call would be Ned or Peter. Ned was definitely asleep already and well, Peter was the reason she was in this predicament in the first place.

She pulled her jacket closer around her body and she walked through the cold neighborhood, checking behind her every so often to make sure she wasn't being followed.

A few minutes later she heard rustling in a nearby alley but she ignored it and continued walking, her hand gripping the pepper spray that Ned had gifted her for Christmas. As she waited for the light to turn green so she could cross the street, she heard loud footsteps rushing towards her. Hands grabbed the bag that rested on her shoulder and a hand clamped over her mouth. She cried out in disgust, more distraught over the dirty hand that covered her than the fact that she was literally about to be mugged. She lifted her hand and quickly pressed on the trigger of her pepper spray, she was aiming backwards and could only hope it would hit her target. Luckily it did, the man yelled in pain and took a step back. Jenna quickly turned around, taking advantage of his lack of eye sight and sucker punched him in the guy. As he toppled over in pain, a web came from no where and trapped the man against the pavement. Jenna didn't even jump when Spiderman landed beside her.

He frantically grabbed her and was checking her for any injuries when Jenna softly shrugged him off.

"I had that one." She said, a hint of humor in her voice.

"I-I know. Just wanted to make sure you're okay." He said putting his hands up.

"I'm no damsel in distress, you know that!" She laughed, but didn't protest when the boy decided to walk her home to make sure she wouldn't encounter any one that she couldn't fight against.

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