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Want a churro?

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Want a churro?

Peter Parker walked into Mr. Delmar's deli for the third time that week.

"Sup, Mr. Delmar?" He greets while grabbing a pack of gummy worms.

"Heyyy Mr. Parker" Mr. Delmar greets as Peter puts the bag of candy on the counter. "Number 5 right?"

"Yeah and um with pickles and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks!" Peter confirms while making a smushing movement with his hands. One of the other workers begins to make the sandwich and Mr. Delmar turns to Peter again.

"How's your aunt?" He asks with a slight smirk.

"Yeah, she's alright." Peter answers, arms crossed while he looks around the shop.

Mr. Delmar turns to his coworker saying "she's a very hot Italian woman." In Spanish, not knowing that Peter has taken Spanish classes for the last five years.

Slightly taken aback, Peter looks at Mr. Delmar.

"Como esta tu hija, eh?" He fires back.

Mr. Delmar's mouth hangs open in shock but before he can answer, movement from the other end of the counter stops them.

"Hi Peter!" Jenna Delmar, Mr. Delmar's daughter greets from the other end of the counter where she is stocking some bags of chips.

Peter's face turns bright red, embarrassed that Jenna heard him and he sends her a small wave before slapping down a five dollar bill, grabbing his sandwich and running out of the deli.

The next day Peter walked into the deli after school, in desperate need of a snack before beginning his daily Spiderman duties.

An unfamiliar, sweet smell travelled throughout the entire deli and he looked around noticing that no one was at the counter.

He tapped the small "ring for service" bell that was on the counter and less than a second later Jenna popped out from behind an aisle in the store.

"Hi Peter, I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in!" She apologizes, before going behind the counter getting ready to take his order.

"Hi Jenna." He greets her, "where's Mr. Delmar?" He asks curiously, as it was very rare that Mr. Delmar wasn't behind the counter waiting to take his order.

"He's sick today so I'm in charge." She smiles before adding. "Which means I get to do some experimenting that he normally wouldn't let me do."

She disappears into the back for a moment before returning with a box of some sort of food.

"Want a churro?" She asks.

"Umm I've never had one before." Peter admits.

"Oh. My. God. Peter you're not living if you're not eating churros! Here try one! I made them! Free of charge." She insists, forcing a churro into his hands.

He takes a bite and his eyes widen immediately. "Holy crap this is good!" He exclaims. Jenna just leans back with a smug look, happy that someone liked the churros she made. Peter grabs another churro and a bag of chips before paying for them and heading out to begin his watch of the neighborhood.

At around 6 pm that night Peter was heading home when he heard a loud crash behind him. He quickly turned around noticing that the window to Mr. Delmar's deli had been shattered and a group of men in masks were entering.

"Hell no!" Peter exclaims as he swung towards the deli. Mid swing he realized the lights were still on and that the deli was still open. Which meant Jenna was in there, alone.

He moved as quickly as he could and swung into the deli through the window as two men were blocking the door, and another man had a gun pointed at Jenna as she shakily opened the cash register for them. "Take whatever you want." She whispered, terrified that she was going to be shot.

Peter quickly webbed the gun away from the man and punched him across the face. Knocking him away from Jenna. She immediately sprinted into the back, out of harms way.

Peter webbed all three men up in record time before rushing into the back where Jenna was cowering in a corner.

"You okay?" He asks softly, reaching a hand out to help her up.

"Y-yeah I think so. Thank you." She whispers, still shaken up from the previous events.

"Want me to take you home?" He asks.

Jenna nods and takes Peter's hand as he helps her onto her feet and they make their way over to the door.

"Wait! Would you like anything? It's on me. As a thank you for saving me." She says shyly.

"Ummm how about a churro? Those are my favorite."

Jenna smiles before grabbing two churros, one for her and one for Spiderman as he walked her home.

"You remind me of this guy I know, he really likes my churros too." She says as they walk.

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