Not A Doctor

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*Prompt -Woah woah woah, I watch Grey's Anatomy but I'm not a doctor!*

Jenna Waters was sitting on her bed doing her homework at an ungodly hour

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Jenna Waters was sitting on her bed doing her homework at an ungodly hour. It was two in the morning and she was cramming for a midterm exam that was the next day.

She heard a thud on the fire escape outside her window, her heart rate beginning to speed up but she ignored it, thinking that her lack of sleep was causing her to hallucinate.

She continued to hear the noises from outside and she slowly rose from her bed. She took soundless steps towards the window and hesitated when she heard a knock. She pulled back the curtain and her jaw dropped when she saw Spiderman slumped against the glass, a small smile showing through his mask.

She slowly opened the door and he stumbled forward into her arms. Overwhelmed, she dropped him and he hit the floor with a groan.

"Can you please help me?" He asked the girl.

"I- wha- how- uh, what do you n-need help with?" She struggled finding her words.

"Well... I got stabbed." He says, before pulling up part of his suit to reveal a large gash on his stomach.

"Woah woah woah, I watch Grey's Anatomy but I'm not a doctor!" She said putting her hands up and taking a step back while her eyes raked over his stab wound and abs.

"Please." He whispered in pain.

Almost in a trance, she walked to the bathroom and got the first aid kit, ordering Spiderman to lay down on the carpeted floor. Both of their faces flushed as Jenna pressed her hands to his abdomen, Peter's hidden by his mask. She applied pressure to the wound with one hand, and Peter held her other, squeezing every time the pain intensified.

Ten minutes later she was done dressing his wound and she helped the boy to his feet.

"Thank you, it still hurts tho..." he said, looking down.

"I-Is there anything else I can do?"

Peter took a step forward, tipping her chin so that she was looking up at him and said, "kiss it better?" And Jenna let out a small laugh and she leaned in.

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