Chapter 6: Message

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Matt woke to the sound of Pidge crying out in pain, he sat up rubbing the back of his head recalling what had happened. They came for Pidge, it was 9th time they have come. And just like every time, Matt didn't let them take her without a fight, and every time he had failed and ended up knocked over the head.

They came at the same time every day, according to Matt's watch it was always 5am and they always brought her back just after 6. Every time he would go to her and comfort her but not touch her too much. Eventually, she would drift asleep from exhaustion, and then he would move her to the signal metal bed. He would take his cape and would swaddle her in it. Then he would sit at the top of the bed with her head on his lap as he ran his fingers through her hair.

But this time was different, she screamed out in pain as usual but not as much or long as she would before. When they brought her back, she was walking and not in deep pain.

"Pidge are you ok?" Matt asked as she walked in on her own two feet

"No, I'm not fine!" She snapped back as she went and slumped in the corner.

Matt sat by her silently.

Pidge was the one to break the silence. "I'm sorry Matt it's not your fault I shouldn't have snapped."

"Pidge it's ok, you shouldn't have to go through this." He replied



"Yeah, Matt?"

"Um, Pidge why was today different?"

Pidge exhaled

"They said that an overdose would kill me and that they aren't done with me yet" she deadpanned

"Oh," Matt said


Pidge got up and hobbled to the door

"What is it Pidge?"

"I think I can get us out" she muttered

"But you don't have your tech!"  He reminded her

Pidge snorted "do you doubt me?"

She removed two bobby-pins she had put in her hair before she left to search for Matt, her hair was growing again, and she wanted it to but was sick of it in her eyes, so she pinned it up.

She fiddled with the keyhole until the door hissed open. She looked at Matt "ready?"

"Yes, ma'am!" He replied grabbing his cape.

They both marched down the hallway.

Matt stopped in his tracks when they came to the room that his sister was dragged to every day. "Oh, Katie" he whimpered as he stared at the gadgets and tools that they had been using to try and break her. He looked at his sister realizing that the new light from the hallway reviled her black and blue bruises that cover almost her whole body and the blood that came down one of her arms

"How could I let them" he started to cry into his hands

"Matt there was nothing you could have done, now come on I need to find a computer." She replied pulling him along.

He wiped his nose and followed his sister into a control room.

"Yes" Pidge squeaked as she found a computer

Her fingers flew across the keys as she pulled up a video message.

"Shiro this is Pidge and Matt, I have just sent you my location. We have snuck out, and we need an extraction team. Please..." she was cut off by the sound of alarms

"Quiznak" muttered Pidge as she turned away from the video feed towards Matt

"What neck?" Matt asked

"Nothing, what do we do?" She asked Matt with more fear in her voice then she liked.

Just then Galra came in with guns loaded

"Put your hands up," Said the solder closes to Matt.

"As if," said both the children.

"Step aside general" said a deep raspy voice.

The Galra General stepped aside to reveal the witch standing there.

She seemed to float towards the Holt siblings

Matt stepped in front of Pidge protecting her.

Usually, Pidge would shove him aside and say something like "you will just make it worse," but she was deeply frightened of the witch. She grabbed Matt's hand and held it tightly.

"Step aside boy," said the old lady

Matt stood up taller and held his position

"You are foolish" the witch stated and with a flick of her wrist sent Matt flying across the room.

"Matt!" Pidge squeaked

Haggar grabbed Pidge by the jaw and forced her to look into her cold empty eyes.

"We are going to have a chat," Said the witch

Pidge spat at her

"Ahh, you little pest," said the hag as she swatted Pidge across the face.

Pidge fell to the floor hitting it hard. She could taste blood. She could hear Matt calling her.

She spat out blood that was in her mouth and quickly stood and laid a solid punch to the witches stomach in return. The women howled as Pidge ducked out of reach of the Galran men. For once she was thankful for her small size, which allowed her to scurry like a mouse over to Matt.

She forced Matt to his feet "come on let's" Pidge began. A needle was pushed into her neck, and she began to scream as she felt like she was burning she felt her legs go numb as she crumbled to the floor. She knew what they had done to her, and she hated it. She cried out in pain.

Matt kneeled beside her. He tried to pick her up, but she screamed in pain.

"I'm sorry Katie, but I need to pick you up" Matt soothed

She managed to say "ok Matt."

She whimpered as he picked her up. Her arms fell to her sides, and her head hung. She was completely paralyzed. She quickly noticed that the pain was worse this time, she hurt everywhere, pain that she never had before experienced, it even felt like her own tiers where burning her skin as they rolled down her cheeks.

Matt stood and began to go towards the door when Haggar's magic wrapped around them.

Pidge screamed in pain as the to Holts wear sent flying into different destinations.

Matt knew he couldn't help her he would only cause more pain.

Matt landed next to the computer, and knew he needed to quickly finished what Pidge was working on, he sent the message unsure of how much it had recorded of their struggles.

He began to stand again when he received yet another blow to the head, and everything went black.

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