Chapter 25: The Plan

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"Entire Galra fleets have been mobilized. Zarkon seems to be out looking Lotor." Kolivan told the Voltron team.

"It's only a matter of time before he gets the empire back in order." Shiro mentioned, "We need to take advantage of this moment."

"What are you getting at, Shiro?" Allura asked the Black paladin.

"Now is the time to assemble the coalition that Voltron has been building. With intelligence by the Blades and coalition observers, combined with Pidge's Galra tracking software, we now have a detailed map of the Galra Empire. I've identified an intermittent line of coalition planets that runs through the territory. If you look closely, there's only one Galra-occupied planet left on that line." Shiro explained

"Naxzela" Allura said

"Exactly" Shiro confirmed then continued "If we capture Naxzela and solidify that line, we can cut off all Galra troops behind it from central command and use our position to defeat them."

"Wow!" Pidge cooed "We could take back a third of the Galra Empire in one fell swoop." She smiled

"Do we have a plan?" Hunk wondered

"We attack several locations across the region, at once. First, we'll have to cut off communications by striking the satellite relay station orbiting Vantax Five." Shiro answered

"Pidge and I can handle that!" Hunk jumped in.

There was a moment of silence. Pidge knew why they still worried about her. "they are worried about my capability" She thought to herself

"I'm fine guys, really I am I can do this," She told her team. Another moment of silence went by before Shiro gave a slight nod then continued. " The Blades have informed us of two Galra defense systems coming online called Zaiforge cannons. Now, these cannons can strike any target within our combat theater." Shiro looked around at the team to make sure they all followed, then kept talking "The first, in high-orbit around the planet Teq, will be attacked by coalition air forces led by Matt and Captain Olia." Matt nodded in approval as Shiro continued. "Kolivan will lead a Marmoran strike team against the second cannon, located on the surface of Senfama, which is vulnerable to a covert attack. We intend to take control of these cannons and use Zarkon's own firepower against him. Once the coalition forces and Blades neutralize these targets, Galra defenses will be weakened, allowing us to take down the remaining Galra-occupied planets in this area. While our forces are taking control of the planets, Naxzela will already be under attack."

"By whom?" Allura asked

"Voltron" Shiro said

Suddenly Lance was in between Hunk and Pidge "Aw, yeah! Team Voltron's gonna drop in Naxzela, form Hunk's giant laser cannon, and be all like, Pow! Pow! Pow! Easy-peasy." Pidge rolled her eye's at him as Shiro began speaking "Unfortunately, not that easy. Naxzela will be tough. It's heavily fortified with Galra. Our attack must be swift enough to neutralize the Galra forces before they have time to contact Galra Headquarters. Cause if they call for reinforcements, we'll be caught in a fight on two fronts."

"If this works," Kolivan began "the Voltron Coalition will possess a third of the Galra Empire's territory. It will be a massive victory."

Allura commented, "And inspire a whole new wave of rebellions."

"There's no time to waste. Let's gather the coalition" Shiro finished


A week had past and gathering the coalition had been going as planned. They all did their part. Pidge was so glad that she was trusted to go to Olkarion and speak with the Olkari about the plan, The uprising is what they started to call it. Pidge had been doing better than ever, joining missions without freezing from fear and having nightmares less and less. lest to say that Haggar was at the back of her mind and for once in a long time was not her greatest fear.

"Hey"... she was greeted by Keith as she returned to the castle after speaking to the Olkari. "Shiro told me what happened after I left" she was slightly glad he knew the other part was wanting to zap him with her bayard for just up and leaving the way he did. "Ok" she replied and stated to walk away. She couldn't help but be frustrated for what he did. He was her friend the one she relied on for support, the one that could relate to her, yes Shiro and her brother where actual captives of the Galra before, but they both wanted to know how she felt, how she was coping. they would always say

'I'm here if you want to talk about it." But she didn't want to talk about it and wasn't sure if she ever would be ready too. Keith understood that he would just sit there and say nothing, even when she cried on his shoulder, he never asked about her time there with the Galra and she appetited that, more then he would ever know.

He walked beside her as she went to the armory to change out of her suit and into normal clothes. they both stayed silent for a good while tell Keith said to her "I'm sorry Pidge I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have left you like that. I figured..." he froze "I'm sorry" She was facing away from him as he spoke to her. She smiled slightly as she could tell he was at a loss of words, which meant he really was sorry. She took off her helmet and released her hair from the ribbon that held it captive atop her head. She ran her fingers through it as she turned to Keith. "It's ok Keith, you did what you thought was right" they were both silent "Just promise me something, While you are out there with the Blades don't do anything stupid...You're a good friend Keith, I would hate to loose you." he nodded and she smiled.


She was training. That's what she did when she couldn't sleep. Train. Keith had a meeting with the Blades so she was alone. She didn't mind most the time but tonight she wished someone would come save her from her own mind. for the past three nights, she dreamed about the mission and how it had felled and it had been all her fault, it was the same every night. Haggar would show up, and grab her with her evil magic, forcing everyone to surrender. They did on one condition, that she wouldn't kill Pidge. The witch kept her promise, she didn't kill Pidge, she just killed all of them, right there in front of her.

She didn't wait in vain for someone to join her on the training deck, Shiro came in. He was wearing his normal clothes which clued Pidge in that he was there to talk not train. "end training sequence" she called. the robots stopped shooting and slumped forward. "Hi" "Hey Shiro"

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" She didn't answer right away which made Shiro nervous "Pidge what's wrong?" she took a deep breath as she slid down the wall slumping against it. "Pidge?" he asked again, she didn't know why she told him, she usually kept that sort of stuff to herself but she told him about the dreams she has been having, every last detail. "Pidge" he sat down on the floor next to her "First off, that old witch is never going to touch you again! Second no matter what Pidge I will never ever leave you alone, I promise" they sat there for a moment of silence then Pidge put out her pinky finger, he wrapped his around hers, which remined him of happy memory's of him promising to bring her chocolate the next time he saw her or that he would keep a secret, time's before the Galra before Kerbors, Time's of happiness and joy. "I love you Katie" She smiled "I love you too, Takashi." He wrapped his arms around her and she laid against his chest listening to the rhythm of his heart. Shiro was like a big brother to her, and she knew that he loved her like a little sister. Even before her adventures in space, she loved him in such a way. She had known him for as long as she could remember. She knew now that he wasn't like an older brother he was an older brother. No doctor or lawyer could tell her otherwise Takashi Shirogane was Katie Holts older brother.

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