Chapter 21: Play Time

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Guys if you have a good, clean Pidge centric fic I want to read it! post a comments the name of the book and I will gladly go check it out.

If you think of a writing prompt for this story I would love to hear it I'm always open to suggestions.

I slightly mentioned this in my last authors note, but I'm thinking about starting a VLD one shot(s) book mainly Pidge centric. What can I say I love that little cinnamon roll ;) But I will take requests! I encouraged it, I'm hoping to get that going in the next couple of weeks. This book will be my top priority but there's times when I think of a random story idea, so I figured what the heck, I could have a book on the side :)

Love you all! And as always, Comment, Star, and share.



Over the next couple of days, Pidge's main focus was getting back to normal, she did anything to keep the memory's and terrors of the hell she was in out of her mind. There was no other way to put it, she began to truly believe that the Galra were demons from the underworld and that they had no heart, that they were evil.

"Quiznak!" she muttered she did it again, she got lost in her thoughts and wasn't paying attention to what she was doing.

"You Ok?" her brother asks from beside her. That was another thing that bothered her, she was never left alone. She knew, (even though they didn't tell her) that she was being watched, every couple of hours they would switch. Even when she was in the shower, she would go in leaving someone sitting at the end of her bed and come out to someone else sitting there.

"yeah just jammed my finger with the screwdriver again." She replied

"maybe you should go take a nap." the older Holt sibling suggested.

"NO!" she didn't mean it to come out that way, she just could sleep, when she slept she was once again at the mercy of that witch. She quickly apologized "Sorry Matt... I'm, I'm just not tired."

Matt looked at her with a soft smile, she wondered what he was thinking. He stared at her deep chocolate brown gaze, that seemed like he was staring straight into her soul.

"Pidge" he began "I know that you're tired you should really rest, even if you don't sleep do something besides working" she sat there in the silence for a good long tick before she replied, "Ok, what did you have in mind?"

A wild almost evil smile swept across his face. "I have just the thing."


"So let me see if I got this right. Everyone hides exempt one person, and that person has to find the rest?" Coran asked twirling his mustache

Matt nodded "correct."

"Oh, this sounds like fun" Allura pipped in

"Oh, it is, once I hide so well that it took hours for my sister to find me!" Lance said feeling quite proud of himself

"Or maybe she just didn't bother looking" Keith muttered

Pidge covered her mouth to stifle a laugh while Lance gave Keith the best glare he could manage, If Shiro hadn't been standing in between them, Lance would have punched him, or maybe if he felt brave enough tackle him to the floor.

"Who will be it first?" Allura questioned. Quickly Pidge pipped in "I will!" she jumped at the chance to be alone, even if it was only a short time. Matt and Shiro shared a glance before Shiro spoke. "I'll be it with you" he smiled kindly at her. Pidge felt her cheeks going red, she loved her team she really did she just wished they wouldn't treat her like she wasn't three. "I'll be fine" she snapped. "Pidge we're just worried that's all," Matt said in a soft voice. She held her breath hoping for someone to defend her, she did not wait in vain Coran jumped into the conversation "It's been a good couple of days, no signs of anything wrong or anything of the sort to be honest" he spoke with a happy tone that filled Pidge's heart with joy. She knew that her team couldn't deny that, nothing had happened since that night in the kitchen, which no matter how hard she tried could not remember most of what happened that night. Shiro deep sigh of defeat brought her back into the present. "Alright you win," he said in defeat.

Pidge quickly closed her eyes, "1 2 3 4..." She began counting as they all darted out of the training room in all different directions. "50!" she finished as he darted out of one of the doors "ready or not here I come!" she yelled darting done a hallway.

She found both Hunk and Coran at the same time. It wasn't that hard to be truthful she just followed the loud arguing. "This is my hiding place, Coran! The idea of the game is to hide on your own." Pidge cut into the arguing "Doesn't matter, found you both" she smugly said leaning up against a wall. Hunk clearly wasn't ready for that and hit his head on the counter. Pidge laughed while Coran stood in defeated "What happens now?" he questioned, "Now you two go sit in the training room while I find the others." Coran scratched his mustache as he and Hunk began to walked back toward the training room. Pidge once again was on the hunt. As she walked, she started to let her mind wander. And before she knew it she saw herself in the third person, but it wasn't her now, it was her from the other night wondering the dark hallways she knew because she remembered it she remembered the conversation with her lion. She watched herself go into the kitchen and try to open the pain meds but quickly gave up... She recalled that part as well. Then everything unfolded she was on the floor then punching Keith then cutting Matt. Coran ended her rampage as he placed a cloth over her mouth and noise.

She blinked rapidly letting her vision clear, she was seeing with her own eyes again, she looked at her hands her fingers where trembling and she guessed if her wrist weren't rapped they would be shaking too. She took several deep breaths "In through the nose, out through the mouth." she whispered to herself. The shaking stopped, and she quickly returned to her search. She found Lance in the red lion, which she found very predictable. Then it was Allura who attempted at hiding but didn't quite get it as she was quickly spotted standing behind a curtain. She knew that now the real hunt was on... Shiro, Matt, and Keith. She went back to the training room knowing somewhat Keith's thought prosses, he loved the training room, and she knew that he probably wouldn't expect her to go looking there.

When she reached the training room, she was greeted by the ones she had found. "Pidge where's the others? "Allura asked from the floor, it looked as if Hunk and Lance were attempting to teach her and Coran how to play 'Go Fish.' "I'm, uh looking for Keith" she mumbled. "Why would he be in here," Lance asked mockingly. Pidge stuck her tong out at him. "Well." she began "Shhh," Lance said as he put his finger to his mouth and pretended to focus on his game like it was a life or death choice he must make. She rolled her eyes and continued the search. It took some time, but after pulling a lot of levers and opening lots of closets, she found the hiding Keith. He looked shocked "Darn! Please tell me that you found Matt!" he said "Yes I did" she lied "Yes he now owes me 300 GAC" he pumped his fist as he hopped out of the hiding place. "You guys made bets?" she laughed "what so funny? He asked. He looked around the room noticing that Matt was not there "Quiznak, you lied" She giggled and quickly ran out of the room. She quickly fell flat on her back. She looked up to see Shiro standing there looking sheepish "I got worried," he said helping her up "Well there was no need, I'm fine" she lied. Truly she had a lot of emotions she felt mad for the other lying to her, she felt venerable, but most of all she was worried it would happen again. "You want to know a secret?" he whispered "What?" she whispered back he got down next to her ear "Matt is in the air vents" She smiled wildly at him as he looked at her with his deep kind father like eyes. She ran around him toward where he most likely entered the vents...Greens hanger. She reached the hanger and climbed like a monkey up the green lion, once on top of Green's head she bride the vent cover off, it clattered off of Green and down on the floor with a 'splat.' She looked up to see Matt sitting in the corner of the vent. "Shiro told you didn't he?" she smirked "I'm gonna get you!" he jumped out of the vent as Pidge jumped on to Green's noise then her paw and rolled off onto the floor. She sprinted down the hall to the training room Matt not far behind his hair flying in the wind. She squeaked upon entering. She darted behind Shiro using him as a human shield. Matt stopped in his tracks, puffing out his chest. He cleared his voice then spoke. "You gave away my hiding place!" his voice rising more than he wanted it too. everyone began to laugh.

Guys I have reached 1.03k views!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that's all thanks to my lovely readers You guys. Thanks, guys you're all awesome.

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