Chapter 31: Aftershock

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Pidge docked in her hangar and stumbled out of her Lion her pain dulled due to her anger. She stomped out of the Green loins hangar, towards the general landing deck.

She reached the deck very quickly. "Are you insane?" She yelled at Keith "Do you have a death wish?" Tears clouded her vision. "You stupid, stupid jerk!" She cried

"Wow, wow Pidge, what happened to you? you look like, like..." She cut him off, "Me? What happened to you? I can't believe you could be so selfish!"

He grabbed her shoulders. "Pidge, stop. You need a pod, you're in shock. come on." Once again she cut him off, "No! You need to explain what in heavens name you were doing back there!" Her world was turning in, and Keith was now supporting much of her weight. "Matt! Matt! Get over here!" Keith shouted. She was weakly pounding on Keith's shoulder crying for an explanation. "Katie!" Matt slide to a stop by Keith's side "She's in shock she needs a pod, go tell Coran we need one prepared quickly!" Matt nodded and ran out of the hanger yelling Coran's name over and over at the top of his lungs.

Pidge's knees buckled, but Keith caught her sweeping her off her feet. She was gasping for air that her lungs couldn't seem to find. "Hang on Pidge, You've got to hold on." Keith dashed out into the hall it was crowded with both rebel forces and members of the Blades. "MOVE!" He shouted so loud that his throat began to feel raw, he weaved his way through the crowded halls.

"Keith!" He turned to see Shiro coming his way. "Stop for a minute."

"Shiro, I can't."

"Yes, you can!" He stepped in front of him

"Shiro move!"

"What the heck was that back there? Suicide?" Shiro questioned

"Shiro MOVE, Pidge needs a pod!"

Shiro looked down at the girl in Keith's arms, with a blank expression, almost looking confused.

"Shiro? What are you doing?" Coran appeared from behind him, he approached Pidge "She needs a pod, but I need to know what happened to the best of your knowledge." Coran turned to Shiro

Shiro turned and looked at Coran, eyes glazed over, still looking confused.

Keith turned red and forced his way past him without another word.

"Lance! Allura! Hunk!" Coran shouted

"Here!" Lance shouted from behind with Hunk at his heels.

"Lance," Coran said with relief "What happened down there?"

Lance joined in the jog down the halls towards the infirmary. "Haggar caught us by surprise, long story short she used her magic on Pidge, and throw, her she hit her head, no helmet."

"What about her arm? clearly, its been bleeding" Keith huffed

"Tracker, she had me dig it out. Well, most of it." Hunk breathed

"Tracker? How in Quiznak did we miss that?" Lance squeaked

Coran clicked his tung against his teeth. "That will need to come all the way out first, the pod will heel over it, could cause an affection. Lay her on that table, and remove her armor."

"Pidge it's going to be ok! Just breath." Keith told her

Her chocolate brown eyes stared at him with fear. "Sacred" She managed between breaths"Keith, sacred."

"You will be as good as new sooner then you think" reassured her as he laid her down, and begun pulling her over armor off, Lance, Hunk, and Matt joined him making the proses go faster.

"Keith get both wet and dry rags, Lance get..." Lance cut Coran off. "The medical kit. weren't we just doing this?" He huffed

"Matt hold her as still as possible" Coran ordered as he grabbed her injured arm and cut the whole sleeve off.

She tried to pull away, "Hurts" She moaned

"I'm sorry, it's going to be ok, just hold in there," Coran said brush a loose hair from her eyes

"Here you go." Lance panted

"Hand me the pinchers" He demanded

"Pinchers?" Lance asked searching the med bag

"Step aside" Allura was suddenly in the room fishing through the bag

"Here!" She handed a pair of tweezers to Coran

"Pinchers? Those are tweezers!" Lance bellowed

"Not now Lance," Keith told the red paladin as he returned handing Hunk and Matt a rag to wipe off her face cleaning the gash in her head while he helped Coran with her arm.

She once again tried to pull her arm free but it no avail Keith grip was too firm. She whined softly

Keith whipped the blood off of her arm, allowing Coran axes to the hole in her arm. He thrust the tweezers into the cut. It took him a good long minute, but he was able to grab hold of the wire and bring it out.

Pidge's eyes were now closed, she was mumbling something all Keith could pick up was. "dad." The girl wanted her father. Keith felt helpless to the whole situation, and his eyes betrayed him as tears stained his cheeks.

"OK, into the pod she goes," Caron said picking her up, he set her inside, but she seized hold of his shirt, "No, somethings wrong, I need to talk to Shiro." She pleaded with him. "I'm sorry number five you need to heal," He prided his shirt from her grasp and the glass wall formed around her, she lips stopped moving, and her face softened slightly as her breathing evened it's self out.

The all sat in silence for a good long minute "We did it." Lance whispered

"At what cost though?" It was Hunks turn to turn red-faced "Pidge is in a pod...Again, Keith almost killed himself, and we have the Galra price in our prison!"

Everyone was quite again, letting Hunks words sink in. "I need to talk to Shiro." and with that Keith left the room.


Hi its me again! Thanks for reading. Couple of notes

1. I have a new book and I would love for you guy to read it and give me some suggestions

2. Please please (On my knees begging) Vote, and share!

3. Update on my hand - Its still swore but I'm able to type better now then before, so I'm pretty happy about that!

4. Which would you prefer, (as fare as book two goes) Do you guy want me to upload as I write? (Like I did with this one) OR Write the full book then upload? Place you votes in the comments.

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