Chapter 17: Awakening

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As they got closer to the kitchen, Pidge could hear voices.

"Bet!" She heard Lance

"I don't have to, because I already know!" She Giggled when she realized it was Keith.

They were always arguing about something, usually over something stupid.

And there it was Shiro tell the two of them to "knock it off" as he always did.

Matt turned the corner into the kitchen they all turned and looked... Lances tense frown turned into a huge smile, Allura squeaked with pleasure, Hunk jumped to his feet clapping while Keith, Shiro, and Coran all approached the two Holt siblings.

"How are you feeling Pidge?" Shiro asked as Coran began to fiddle with his mustache

"Fine" she replied quietly as she blushed a bright pink due to all the attention she was being given.

"It's good to see you Awake Pidge," Allura told her.

"Would you like something to eat?" Hunk asked.

She quickly nodded.

Matt sat her down on a chair at the table while Hunk brought her a plate of food. She didn't know what it was, but it sure did taste better than prison food.

Everyone else returned to their own food while Matt made himself a plate, and Keith brought her a glass of water. She quickly downed it.

"Would you like more?" Keith laughed a little.


Keith went over to the Altean version of a fridge and filled her glass to the brim, then returned and gave it to her.

She wanted to down that one as well but knew better, she knew that she would get a stomach ache. So she took two big gulps and sat the glass down carefully with both hands.

When they all had finished Allura took Pidge to her room to help her shower and change.

About a Varga later they walked down the hallway towards the lounge.

She gulped upon entering, everyone sat there waiting, she knew this all too well; they all gathered in the same way when they had found Shiro a couple months ago.

Keep it together Pidge it's just a debriefing/briefing. She told herself.

Back when they were all separated after a fight with Zarkon, they all came together and debriefed each other than briefed each other of what had gone on. They decided that day that they would do this whenever someone was separated, whether they were separated due to different missions or something well like this.

She took a deep breath and sat on the couch next to Matt while the team sat across from her.

"Pidge" Shiro began "I know how hard this is but we need to know everything, Matt was with you and can help." He cleared his throat and continued on "Matt hasn't told us anything due to not wanting to have to repeat it more than necessary.

Pidge looked into her brother's eyes as her own began to water. She hadn't even thought about the fact that her brother was probably just as hunted as she was.

She looked down.

"Where do you want me to start?"

"The beginning," Shiro said "start from the time you left the Castle."

She let out a sigh knowing this was going to be hard, She also knew this was her family, and all they wanted to do was help her.

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