Chapter 10: Hold on

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Hunk quickly landed his lion in the appropriate hanger before rushing to the back of his lion. What he saw was horrible, he saw Coran and Shiro covering parts of the small girl's body to avoid any more blood loss, and a boy who had Pidges big chocolate eyes... the eyes where scared as he cried and cradled Pidge.

"Hold on Katie hold on!" He was whimpering more to himself than the girl

"Um we have landed" Hunk whispered

Shiro quickly but very carefully picked up the child while Coran followed him

Hunk helped the semi in shock Matt stand, and they headed down the hall to the medical bay.


"Hold on Pidge where almost there!" Shiro told the paladin

Upon reaching the med bay, they were greeted by Allura, Keith, and Lance.

"Lay her on that table" Coran told Shiro

He gently put her down while Coran quickly wiped her face down

" We are only going to be able to heal what is life-threatening, we don't have the proper time to prep her or the pod" Coran said as he through the bloody rage aside. "Allura get the bandages, Keith get me some wet rags, and lance get me the medicine bag" Coran demanded

They all went and got what they were told without questions

Keith returned first, and Coran took a rag and began to clean the bloody arm, while Shiro did the leg.

Lance swiftly returned with the medicine bag

"Keith take my place," Coran told the boy. Kieth quickly continued to wipe down the girl's arm. Tears stung his eyes as worked "You need to hold on Pidge! Hold on!" He cried as he continued to wipe down her arm

Coran quickly got the appropriate medicine and promptly rubbed it over her arm and leg.

Keith watched as he took the lotion like medicine and rubbed it all over her wounds then bound them with the bandages Allura brought him

"Bring her the pod quickly," Coran said

Both Shiro and Keith were frozen with pure shock. But Lance reacted quickly picking up his friend and bringing her to a pod. "Hold on I mean it hold on," Lance told her as he put her in the pod

The pod closed around her and Coran quickly type into it.

"Is she going to be okay?" Shiro asked recovering

"She will live, but she will not come out completely healed..." Coran replied

"What do you mean?" Allura asked

" I did not have time to assess the fullness of her state, as well as the time to program it all into a pod. The pod is programmed to an Altean, not a human and not a human for her size in that matter" he continued " it will do the basics but anything else it will not see..."

"What will it not fix? Shiro questioned

"She has one dislocated shoulder, two broken wrists as well as a concision that the pod will not be able to repair, and... he stopped looking down

"Coran" both Lance and Allura demanded

"She has an overdose of something I'm not sure what, but the pod won't see it, other than that she will be alright," Coran said

"Good," Keith said before promptly leaving


"Matt she will be fine now please get into the pod" Shiro begged of his friend

"I'm not leaving her! And I'm fine" He fought back

"Matt you are in shock, and have a concision; you are getting in a pod," Shiro told him

Matt looked up at his sister, she looked close to death, and the pod didn't help the effect.

"Matt" Shiro began putting a hand on his shoulder "you will be awake before her, and we both know she would want you to take care of yourself."

Matt finally agreed and was put into the pod next to his sister.

Coran started the pod and Shiro breathed out a sigh of relief

"Thanks, Coran," He said as he sat on the steps

"Of course. All that's left to do is wait"


Keith leaned over the toilet as he began to throw up, he quickly left as soon as he knew Pidge would be ok. He felt sick. He felt sick that he shared the blood with the monsters that did this, he felt sick that they let Pidge go by herself to find Matt and he felt ill that they couldn't have found her faster.

He threw up more when he felt someone's hand on his back, gently rubbing it.

In all his sickness he forgot to lock or even shut the bathroom door.

The hand continued as he flushed the toilet and began to rinse in the sink...

"You ok?" Hunk asked

"No" he chocked out

Hunk had a similar feeling to Keiths, and they both looked at each other having an understanding for each other

Hunks eyes where red from crying

And Keith knew he had to hug him, even though he wasn't very good at emotions.

He stepped forward and hugged his friend

Hunk began to sob into his shoulder.

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