Chapter 8: Can I hold on?

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Matt was taken away from Pidge he was thrashing and yelling her name "Katie!" She could still hear his desperate voice as he was dragged down the hallway.

She was laying on the ground where she fell when she and Matt were flung apart... Haggar stood near talking to the general officer.

"Go to stage two" she hissed

The general acknowledged the witches decision and approached the small girl. He picked her up by her wrists and drugged her down the hall she whimpered as hot tears ran down her cheeks. They passed their normal torture room passed her normal cell that was being pounded on as she passed "Katie! Be strong be strong!" He shouted after her, fear in his voice. They rounded a corner into a new room. The officer lifted her easily, while a masked druid cuffed her wrists to a chain coming down from the ceiling. She cried out in pain. She was still paralyzed so she couldn't support her own weight and even if she could, she was to high up. She heard cracking of bones, she knew those where her bones breaking. She cried as her head hung to the ground. She hung there for a lest a Varga she knew that much because eventually she could lift her head and fell her feet... she looked up at her hand she couldn't move or feel them as much due to lack of blood flow...

the door flung open to reveal a struggling Matt. The Galra took him and restrain him by the wrists to the wall in front of Pidge. "We thought the rebel would enjoy a show" snickered one of the Galra men.

The officer approached Pidge with a needle. It was different from last times needle.

"This paladin is called Katie... this is your elixir, it has a slight poison in it that will enter your veins, it will make you hallucinate, and your body will start to attack its self-thinking that you are the poison, your own body with turn against you. It will also increase your pain sensitivity 20% more than the previous elixir." He paused then continued "by the time we are done you will give us what we want" he snarled

"Katie look at me," Matt said as he tried to keep himself calm. She looked at her brother as the sharp needle entered her neck. "M...Matt. I love you!" she told her older brother "Don't forget me, ok?" She said as her eye rolled back in pain

"Hey hey hey look at me Katie look at me, you will be ok." Matt tried in vain to soothe her "find d dd Daddy and tell him I'm ssss...sorry" she cried to Matt

Matt began to cry as she thrashed in pain, her breath came rigged and faint, sweet appeared all over her body as she sunk into a hallucination.


Pidge sat in the grass back on earth. The sun Bering down on her. She looked around and spotted a figure coming towards her.

"Mom!" Pidge yelped as she ran to hug her. Her mom frowned down at her.

"Mom? What wrong?" She questioned

"How could you Katie?" Her mom scolded "you left me all alone, you didn't even say goodbye."

"Mom I'm so sorry" she went to try and hug her, but she disappeared

Then she noticed her father

"Dad?" She once again ran through the grass. She slowed as she approached he too was frowning down on her

"Why didn't you come and find me, Katie? You were going to but decided to stay with Voltron, why would you do that?"

Pidge began to cry as she tried to hug I'm and once again felled

"No!" She screamed out


All Matt could do is watch as the office dug a knife into her skin

"Human blood is so fascinating" he states "red and thick, and it runs out so quickly." He mused as he moved from the arm to leg. "See it just flows out." He sounded happy

Matt thrashed at his cuffs his blood boiling

Then the door opened, "Sir, Haggar wishes to see you." Said the foot soldier.

The officer put down his knife and walked out. Matt slumped forward and cried at the sight of his dying sister


"Yes Haggar?" the officer bowed

"Is it done?" She questioned

"Yes, I believe she is as close as I can get her without actually kill her."

"And the boy?" She asked


"Just in time. Voltron is drawing near as planned." She hissed

"What are your orders ma'am?"

"Let them think they have won, let them take the child and the boy. We will retrieve her later. Is the tracker I place?"

"Yes ma'am" He replied

"Good now let them come" she began to laugh to herself


Pidge lay in the meadow weeping. She just saw Keith and he to scolded her. At this point, she had been rebuked by the whole team she saw as family and her blood-related family.

She couldn't take anymore she heard echoes all around hissing words of hate and disappointed to her. She couldn't take any more, she just laid there letting those she loved most frown upon her. She couldn't hold on she began to lose all hope.

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