A Visitor(s)

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Someone was here, I sat up alert and cracked open the door.

"Are you the human?" Said a bored tone.

I opened the door fully. "If the human you're looking for works for Vespera than yes."

The boy looked at me with a scowl on his face. I couldn't see much of his face just his eyes. An electric blue. All elves had blue eyes. Except for one, Sophie Foster. That elf and her group of friends were fighting against Vespera. 

"Vespera wanted you to have this." He threw a bag of money at me.

"Thanks," I said and turned around, but he grabbed my wrist.

"GAH!" I yelled. He had traced his finger down my wrist. He had burned me.

"Weak vermin." He said and disappeared.

I went inside and tended to my wrist. Just another to add to my scars.

The tears started to fall. "Why did you let yourself care?! Why are you so weak?"

I started shaking, memories of the 'training' I had to do when I was recruited. Torture, information. Information about the enemy. Sophie Foster and her friends. What to do if I encountered them. I had already encountered the enemy once before.

I walked outside. The tears falling down my face.

"I'm so sorry, so, so sorry. I'm going to fail, and who knows what they are going to do to you."

I punched a nearby tree, which hurt my wrist even more.

"UGH!" I then took the walk to town, where I got food.

About an hour after I came back, the door flew open.

"Keefe no!" I heard someone yell, and turned to face the person.

Ice blue eyes, and messy blond hair. He looked about my age, so I figured he came to torture the human. I stood up and backed into a defensive stance.


I ran and hit someone else.

I looked up to see a boy with silvery blue eyes and jagged silver bangs. I backed away only to see more blue-eyed elves. But then I came face to face with the one and only Sophie Foster.

"Oh no," I whispered.

One of the others started to speak. "Don't worry we're not going to hurt you, we just want to ask you some questions."

I backed away. "Stay away from me, please, please. She'll kill them if I don't."

I was lying, of course. I was an orphan. Vespera had only threatened one person. The one person that mattered to me.

"SHE'S LYING!" The one who broke into my home said.

I didn't have a choice but to run. I ran.

"We don't want to do this the hard way." Something whispered in my ear and, then I couldn't see anything in front of me.

"Please." Was the last thing I said before it went black.

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