Waking up in Candleshade

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I grunted at the voice.


"Ez wake up it's Ev-Ember."

I grunted, then lunged at my friend. Tickling her.

"AH! No, not the tickles! ANYTHING but the tickles."

I stopped and lay on the floor. "Hey, this ceiling looks diff-"

"They took us to Candleshade."

I groaned.


"Maybe we can get out of here." Ever looked at me hopefully.

"Ember, maybe we should stay for a little while. It's safe. And-I-I have a mission."

Ever sat up. "Okay, I guess. You wanna get something to eat, I'm starving."

"Yeah, I wonder who's on babysitting duty today."

Ever chuckled. "Babysitting duty?" 

I rolled my eyes and pulled her up.

I opened the door and walked straight into an ogre.

The had an ogre guard me.

"Ah, the humans are up. KEEFE! C'MERE."

I eyed the ogre. Oh this was Romhilda, Keefe's bodyguard.

Keefe walked around the corner and yawned. "Thanks Ro. Ez you probably already know who this is, Ember this is Ro, my bodyguard."

The ogre faced me. "How does the human know who I am?"

"Ez." I snapped.

Keefe sighed. "Ez works for the Neverseen, they've practically drilled information about us, including you, into her brain."

Romhilda grunted. "Nice scars."

"Thanks?" Crap, I didn't want Ever to see my arms.

Ever looked at me with a look that said We'll talk about this later.

"I'm hungry Keefe, where's the food."

He motioned for us to follow him, and we did.

Man this place was big.

When we FINALLY got to the table. The others were already waiting.

Before I could sit, Tam pulled my aside. "Thank you for helping me get my sister back." He didn't give me a chance to reply so I just sat down and ate.

Beep. Went the phone in my pocket.

"How do you have that thing? I thought we gave it to-" Tam looked furious. "Dex! Why'd you give that thing back to her.

Dex looked down at his feet. "It was the only way to get her to eat. She was going to starve herself. I had too."

"She could of sold us out Dex! We. Cannot. Trust. Her." Tam yelled.

This is a good start to my mission. "Don't be such an hypocrite Tam." I muttered under my breath.

"What are you talking about?" Tam looked at me.

"The 'note,' we both  know they didn't just ask about the prisoner trade." I stated bluntly.

Tam sat down and slumped in his seat. "oh, that."

Ever grabbed my hand. I knew my friend, she didn't want them to fight. 

I could already see the tension forming between them. Dex brought us back to our room. 

As we entered the room Ever's face lit up. 

"It's raining!" 

I looked out the window to see pouring rain. "It is. Can you open the window Dex?"


I sighed. "Just open the window Dizznee."

He did, and when I reached out and felt the drops of rain, and the smell of the rain.

I smiled, a real genuine smile. And I looked over to Ever, and she was wearing the exact same smile.

Unfourtanatley, Romhilda entered the room, interrupting our moment.

"The others want to see Ez. Just Ez."

I left reculantly. I knew Ever would be worried, but as I sat down at the table I turned on my  business mode.

"What is it?" I snapped.

"Look I know you don't exactly like us, but we need to cooperate here." Sophie said.

"Exactly, if we work together I'm sure we can figure something out." Bianca added.

"I don't need your help. Just get us out of here."

Fitzroy looked down. "We don't want to resort to...To searching your memories."

I froze. "If you even so much as think about looking at my memories, I'm going to killyou without hesitation," I finished bitterly.

"Well then you need to cooperate, tell us what Ruy told you." Tam said.

I glared them all down. "Ruy didn't tell me anything, and even if he did, that's none of your business."

Keefe looked nervous. "Why-Why did you call Tam a hypocrite?"

Things were falling into place for this mission. "Ask him, but I'll tell you if he doesn't." 

Tam sighed miserably. "When the Neverseen-When they took Linh, they- they offered me a deal. I work for them, an-and Linh stays safe forever."

Fitzroy looked furious, "Were you going to take it? The reason you probably didn'ttell us is because you are. You're working for the Neverseen you traitorou-"

It all happened in the blink of the eye, someone threw a punch. And the next thing you knew they were all fighting and yelling.

Suddenly Dex and Ever rushed in.

"Guys stop! Don't you see, this is what they want! To tear us apart!" Dex yelled.

The others went sill and I took Ever away.

Ever looked up. "That's what they want you to do, don't they.  To tear them apart. Why do you hurt yourself like this Ez? I'm not worth it." Tears shimmered in her eyes.

I shook my head. "You are the only thing that will ever be worth it to me. And don't you dare think anything else okay. I promise when we get out oh here I'm done okay, no more Neverseen no more Elves. Just us, I promise. Remember the vow? Through every day, through every night, till the end of my life. For us."

 "Okay, then. We can make it through this. For us."

And just for a moment I had hope. 

I grasped on to that flicker of hope and held it close to my heart. Please let this work out. 


 I have a giant twist coming up soooonn!! So... Watcha think!! It's like 2:52 AM now so I need to sleep. Thanksfor reading <3 


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