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"This a crazy, amazing, horrible idea," I muttered as I paced the floor, unable to think clearly.

"I think this is a great idea Coal, this is going to be good for you." Ever smiled at me.

"But what if we get caught, what if we-"

"Just go already." She muttered as she hugged me tightly. "If we get caught, at least you know. You know that you were good. That you tried, okay?"


I hurry through the prison.

There it is, I let out a shaky breath as I stare at the door of the cell. I slowly push in the key I stole from Lady Gisela, and open the door.

"What do you-Ez! What are you doing here?"

I look away as I say, "I'm getting you out of here. Hurry up."

We rush to get Ever.

"We can't let you guys teleport, you might fade." Sophie states.

"Ember can borrow my nexus, I don't need one anyway."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes."  I muttered as I grabbed Ever's hand and let Sophie leap us away."

Sorry this is so short, the next chapter will be longer I promise you. Enjoy comment and vote!


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