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"You know who this is Sophie?" Grady inquired.

Sophie looked down nervously.

"Of-Course she does." I managed to sputter, blood trickling down my face. "She-Kidnapped me- After-All."  I coughed out, trying to keep my eyes open.

"You should sleep, we will talk tomorrow."

Before I could say anything my eyes closed and I was asleep.

"NO, STOP. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I yelled.

Alvar laughed. "I'm not in a good mood today human, I need a punching bag. So shut up."

I hated him. I looked up the fire in my eyes. "I bet your family doesn't hate you as much as I hate you."

He scowled at me. Punching with no mercy, disappearing then reappearing to hurt me.

I screamed.

I woke up sweating. Where am-Oh, right.

Tears began to fill my eyes as I thought of Ever.

I wish I could die.

(There's going to be some self-harm right now, just a warning)

I reached for the knife in my pocket, admiring the silver steel, I slit my wrist. It was a small cut, but enough to have my wrist bleed.

I smiled at the numbness. No pain, no tears. Just numb.

I put the knife above my heart. I can do this, it's not like anything matters anymore anyway.

(Self Harm Over)

I was to busy trying to die to notice the Goblin in the room, who unfortunately grabbed the knife from me.

"What are you doing? Are you try-" Before he could finish, I ran out of the room, trying to escape. 

I ran into...

Drum roll, please.

Keefe Sencen.


I tried to run, but Sandor grabbed me from behind. 

"So it is true. You are here." Keefe snarled.

I tried to do get out of Sandor's grip. But, you guessed it. It was useless. He sat me down in what looked like a living room, and the others filed in quickly.

"Sophie, would you care to explain how you know this person?"  Sandor inquired. His weapon in his hand, ready to attack me or protect Sophie if I tried something. 

"Well...It's kind of a long story, you see..." She scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"I work for the Neverseen and Sophie kidnapped me. It's not that long of a story." I stated bluntly. I really didn't want to be here. I'm not an elf, I'm a human. My memories are at risk, Ever please run. Please be safe.

I rolled my eyes as Sandor pulled out a weapon and stepped closer to Sophie.

"I'm not going to kill her, I'm not even armed." And the Neverseen want her alive. But they don't need to know that.

"Why are you here? When Grady found you, you were practically covered in your own blood." Edaline asked concerned, leaning forward.

"None of your business." I snapped.

"She's also a human," Keefe added. Still scowling at me.

Oh no. Nononononononono. Damn it.

Grady turned to Sophie. "And where exactly did you find this human?"

I shrugged. "Some town in Kentucky, I don't really pay attention to these things."

Grady, Edaline, and Sandor glared at Sophie. She tugged out an eyelash.

"Why would the Neverseen have a human?" Sandor looked at me quizzically.

"I'm good at it, I don't feel guilt like elves do. I do what they can't, slip in and out of the human world without being noticed."

I noticed Keefe still scowling at me. 

"If you want to say something, say it, stop staring at me like a weirdo." Ugh, elves are annoying. 

"What are you doing here? If the Neverseen wanted to get rid of you, they would of killed you. But instead, they took you to Havenfield. Why?"

Again, I shrugged. "I dunno. I don't understand half of what they do."

"What are we going to do with her?" 

"Should we turn her into the council?"

Ugh, adults. 

"I'm still here you know. Ser-"

"Where's Ever?" surprisingly, Sophie asked me this.

"Excuse me?" I hissed harshly, my fists clenching.

"Where is Ever?" Sophie repeated.

Rage flooded my vision, but a sense of dread and loneliness soon replaced it. "I don't know," I whispered, the reality of the situation was starting to sink in. 

Ever is gone. 

The last thread piecing me together, keeping my illusions strong. My fortresses we war-torn and broken. I'm not the girl I was 3 years ago. I'm broken, I'm a scared-No scratch that. I'm terrified, huddled in the corner of my dark and twisted mind.  

"I don't know," I repeated, my voice a mere whisper.

"Who's Ever?" Someone asked. But I was trapped in my mind.

My thought were slowly destroying me.

I am broken.

The Neverseen won.

I looked up to Sophie, the tears forming in my eyes, stinging me like acid.

"They're going to r-replace m-me w-with E-v-Ev-Ever." I managed to choke out, my sobs muffling the words.

The fear in Sophie's face was unlike anything I had seen before.

"Y-You know wh-what the-they did...Did to m-me, pl-pleas-please-h-help me save her." I pleaded I couldn't let her go through that.

By now I was full out sobbing. Damn it.

It seemed like my lack of sleep and blood loss was finally catching up to me. I managed to whisper a final "Please" before my eyes slipped shut and sleep consumed me.

A/N  WoW! Wut an intresting chapter. I'm soooo excited to read flashback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sokeefe 4 life YEET!!

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