Going Home

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(Ez's POV)

I can't open my eyes.

I grunt, then bring my hands up to wipe off any eye boogers. 

The first thing I notice is that my hair is going back to its natural color.

Where am I?

I sit up, guessing it's either really late at night or too early in the morning.

"Hello?"I croak, my voice hoarse.

I manage to get up and off the... Hospital bed?

I blink a few times so my eyes get used to the light.

I still walk into something and crash!


"Ah here's the door." I manage to get out.

"Anyone? Where am I?"

I use my hands to guide me through this place.

Suddenly I'm fae to fa with some kind of monster.

He smirks, "Oh you will be very useful child of-"

I gasp and open my eyes again.


I grunt, "My head hurts." Looking up to see Ever looking down at me.

She breaks out in a sob but starts smiling.

"Ever, what's wrong?  I'm right here."

"You scared me so much. Ez, I thought I lost you." Her voice breaks.

"Dude, why am I in a hospital bed, ar the others okay?"

She looks down, "You almost faded Ez. You've been asleep for 3 weeks. I-I-"

I reach over and hug her. "Shh, I'm here now okay. We're gonna be fine. Okay? For us?"

She smiles, "Yeah, for us."


"Ever! Oh thank god you're awake! We need to leave,NOW." Keefe pulls me out of the hospital bed.


"We wanna get you outta before the council comes, Sophie will teleport you somewhere safe, hurry!"


I look at Sophie deep in thought as we near the edge of the cliff.

And we jumped.

So there will be a sequel..... It will involve some of the Rick Riordan characters.. SO FRIGGIN EXCITED, but i still have a least 1 more art in this book so comment and vote yeahhh...

i luv u guys 

- me 

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