Do I deserve this?

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When I open my eyes, everything becomes hazy, and I feel funny. 

"She's fading!" I hear someone yell.

(3rd POV)

"Ez! Coal!" Ever yells. "Please," she whimpers, a choked sob emerging from her lips, "you can't leave me. Not after everything. Remember the vow? For us? You-"

"Elwin's on his way," Dex yells as he starts giving Ez fade fuel. 

Grady and Edaline appear as well.

Keefe puts a hand on Sophie's shoulder, only to find tears forming in her eyes.

He quickly pulls her into a hug and a sob racks her body.

"Shh," Keefe mumbles, holding Sophie tenderly trying desperately to comfort her.

"NO!" Ever scrams again while Dex and Fitz try to pull her away from Ez. "This can't be happening, not after-" She collapses just as Elwin arrives.


"Hey Ever," Linh approaches the girl sitting next to her best friends hospital bed.

"The Banshee's gone." She croaked out.

"I'm sure everything will be fine."

Ever sucked a breath, "Councilor Bronte visited me earlier. Do-DO you think they-that they'll take Ez away from me?" Tears began to spring from her eyes.

"No, of course not Ever. We'll never let happen m'kay."

A sob crawled up her throat. "I-I can't lose her Linh. I can't-not-not after everything she's done for me-She-Ez-Ez di-didn't do anything to deserve this!" She sobbed out.

Days came and went, and while Ez got a bit better, she still wasn't awake.


(Ever's POV)

"Hi Ez." I mumbled for what seemed to be the millionth time.

"I miss you a lot. Nothing much happened today, Keefe visited and had some funny jokes. I'm gonna ask you again. Okay? Okay. Through every day, through every night for us? Remember? The Vow? So please wake up, m'kay. I have something else to tell you, Elwin's helping to heal your arms. Sophie's helping him, but don't work you'll still have some scars. And even if you didn't have any scars you would still be the bravest person I know.

Sorry this took so long tonight but the books almost over. Please start commenting and sharingthis please, don't be a silent reader.
Also thank you for the 200  reads❤❤!!!!!!

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