The Ice queen

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Quinn P. O. V
Wow I can't believe that' school is is opening again ugh! I am dating finn and let's just say that I would rather date a pig, he is such a bore and I wish that he would be a better boyfriend! I walk to school early and start doing my morning warm up for the Cheerios, I am the head and I have to be the first one there. I finished and saw that Santana aka Lima height freak was doing her warm up.

"Santana your back flips are failing! Pick up the speed! And for crying out loud you gained more weight! Watch what you eat!" I almost yell at her. I don't even regret what I said to her because that girl seems to get fatter every day!

"WELL YOU KNOW WHAT QUINN? I AM NOT FAT AND MY BACK FLIPS ARE GREAT, SO JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUISSNESS BEFORE I GO ALL LIMA HEIGHTS ON YOU" Santana screams. I can't help but the little feeling of anger starting to grow in my stomach. This stupid Latina girl will get a piece of the real Quinn Fabray!

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I BREAK IT!!" I scream, my voice echoes in the field and I see some football boys stop their laps and watch, those idiots!

"OH MY! I AM SO SCARED HIT ME FABRAY!" She mocked, I was not going to let this girl off the hook without a fight I walk up to her a swing a punch on her face. She held her hand to the the part I punched.

"THATS IT FABRAY YOUR GOING DOWN! YOU AKSED FOR IT!" Santana screams and pushes me down, I get up quickly and hit her. She slaps me and then punches me. Lord! This was going to get messy!

Finns P. O. V

The whole football team was running laps, coach beiste was a torture even on the first day!! I once again got the place as QB I was really proud of myself hopefully quinn will start taking our relationship seriously and maybe she won't be that hard on me.

" Yo Hudson! Look it's Lopez and Fabray!! Their fighting!' Puck exclaims, his eyes going white with excitement, why the hell was puck happy? My girlfriend was getting in a fight! This was most likely going to ruin our relationship even more then it already is!

" I am so upset with Quinn! Why is she in a fight with Santana?" I sigh angrily but with a tinge of sadness

" What! Your upset? Come on Hudson the two hottest girls are in a fight!! And for the record that Is HOTT!!" Puck replies

"Puck! Is that seriously what you can think about right now! My girlfriend is getting hurt! By santana" I exclaim even more angrier!


" okay whatever you say a hudson I'm leaving for class see ya later " Puck leaves, I am not in the mood to speak with anyone! I change into my jersey and start the day.

" FINN! Can you believe santana and I had a fight? That b***h she is a freak!" Quinn rolls her eyes, I can't believe what I just heard!
She and santana used to be best friends

." Quinn why were you two fighting?" I question, normally I would get an answer like : whatever, or shut up, Why do you care?

" finn she is FAT!! And her move are failing and I might kick her out! "Quinn answers

"You called her FAT? Quinn that is a very mean thing to say?p!" I say giving her a stern look to make her feel afraid, but nothing makes quinn afraid she gives me a look that scares me half to death!

" Why do you care?" She spits as an answer. I hate her very much right now!

"Quinn look at me! You have been acting very mean to others and I don't like it one tad bit! And if you want our relationship to last then you know what to do!" I warn her, I have never been this angry at her before!!!

"Yeah I know " she replies and instantly grabs my face and kisses it. I pull back

" not that quinn! Don't play stupid! It's rather you change yourself or US is over!" I say and walk to Spanish class leaving a very angry quinn!!

First dayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora