That's what friends are for right?

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Rachel P. O. V

OMG! I feel so great today, all the boys are flirting with me or checking me out if not those two then they're drooling over me!

I feel, for once in my life, pretty attractive, and beautiful! I even saw Quinn giving me dirty looks the whole day. School couldn't get any more boring, it was finally glee and today Mr Schuester gave us a surprise!

"Okay! Everyone I have a surprise for you all!" He announces clapping his hands

"What is it?!?!"we all scream at him.

"Okay so I have the boy lead picked out already and it is........Drum roll please?"mr schue asks but no one drum rolls. So he does it himself, we all laugh.

"Finn Hudson!!"Mr Schue says like Finn won a trophy, but being the lead is better than a trophy..

"Thanks Mr Schue! But who's the girl lead?" Finn questions.

"I'm about to announce that so.....Drum roll please?"he asks again, and again this time no one drum rolls.

"Rachel Berry!!"he says................. The class goes quiet for about 10 seconds...

"YES!!!!! I GOT IPTHE LEAD EVERYBODY!!!! I GOT THE LEAD!!!!!!!!!"I shriek at the top of my lungs, Every one giggles and I walk up to Mr Schue.

"Okay so Rachel and Finn you two will be working together and spending time together a lot. You will choose songs for Sectionals, regionals and nationals "mr Schue says

A whole bunch oh 'oooohhh's crept upon the class, now these weren't just normal 'oohs and ahh's 'they were the type of ones when people say about a couple. I saw that quinn and puck held a straight smile and didn't say a single word.

Glee goes by, with nothing really interesting for me, so I make my way over to santana.

"Hey berry ready to go?"she asks grabbing her books.

"Yeah give me a minute please" I say and walk to my seat to gather my belongings.

Suddenly Quinn walks up to me.

"Hi rachel" she Says cheerfully

"What?" I ask a but rudely

Her sugar sweet voice instantly turns sour and evil,

"I wanted to say that if you ever steal my man berry, you will pay big time"

"And that would be my fault.... How?"I ask very rudely,

"You know what I'm talking about you b***h, you steal my man you're going to pay big time! Watch your back Wh*re" she growls and exits the school.

That girl probably has a talent to make peoples blood boil and churn!

She is nothing but a ............ You know what? I'm not going I say it. I walk to santana and see her standing beside the door with a smirk on her face.

"Quinn talked you?" She asks

I nod

"Come on Berry it can't be that bad," she warms me and outs an arm around my shoulder.

"San, she called me a b***h and a wh*re!"I say almost in sobs.

"She is going down so bad! next time she hurts you. Just give me a call okay?" She says and it instantly makes me feel loved and safe......

"Thank you sa not means so much to me!"

"That's what friends are for right?" She says smiling, we walk to her car and drive to her house.

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