Don't believe her

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Rachel P. O. V

A part of me can't believe that Quinn said all those things to me! Another part of me knew it was coming, it's Quinn Fabray what do you expect? I just sit there and cry, wondering if anyone will care about me. Maybe quinn is right I am a wh*re and a sl*t face. I have an ugly nose and I'm a waste of space.... Just then Finn comes bursting through the door, out of breath and panting.

"Rach.....( Huff)....don't believe ......( Pant)..... Quinn!" Finn pants

"Finn! Calm down! Catch you're breath!" I giggle through tears.

A couple minutes later, finn is back to normal.

"Rach don't believe what Quinn said! I don't think she ever heard of the saying what you say is what you are, she is truly a nasty person! How does she have the guts to say things like that? I mean no one deserves to be called that! Well....except her!" Finn says truthfully

"Thanks Finn" I say resting the side of my head on the crook of his neck.

"Hey? It's what boyfriends are for!" Finn exclaims

"I'm proud to call you mine!" I sigh dreamily.

"I'm proud I'm yours" finn sighs with me.



"Are we singing in glee today?"I ask

"Sure!" He answers

"Yay!" I say happily

"Hey finn?"

"Yeah Rach?" He asks

"Do you think...... We should forgive..... Quinn and Puck?" I ask In a whisper.

"I don't know!" He answers

"Well finn I always had this habit of.... Well always forgiving people....... even if they cheated on us" I say looking finn straight on the eye.

"Okay Rachel! Let's do it!" He says confidently.

"Okay how about in glee..?"I ask

"Your wish is my command!" Finn says in a chivalrous voice which makes me chuckle

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