Diaper change

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Rachel POV

I drive quinn home with the baby. Were at home now.

"I'm so happy that I get to help with the baby!" I squeal

"Yeah well....." Quinn sighs

"What's wrong Q?" I ask

"I just don't know what I'll do in the future" she says sadly,

"Me too.... Things will turn up Q! I know it will!" I say happily,

"How are you so optimistic about this Rach?" She asks playfully,

"I don't know..." I answer giggling, Beth starts crying

"Well looks like I need to change this diaper!" Quinn exclaims

"Yeah.... You do!" I say, emphasizing on 'you'.

"No WE are!" I she shoots back with a smile.

"Okay fine!" I concede and grab a diaper.

Quinn grabs a clothes pin and clips it on her nose.

"I'm Goig it!" She says with her nose plugged

"Right behind ya" I joke.

"What the F is this? It's like.... Bird barf and pig fart!" She says angrily

"I'm surprised you know how that smells" I laugh changing Beth's diaper.

"Trust me Rach! I've been around puck a lot!" She exclaims,we share a laugh and clean up Beth.

"There!" Quinn sighs and sits on a chair

"We did it!" I reply,

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