Apology Accepted

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I stop dead in my tracks...... Did he just ask that?

"No" I answer

"Then who is the Jesse St. Douche bag guy" he asks.

I giggle at his nickname for Jesse. It suits jesses personality perfectly.

"Well finn I don't know if you'll believe me but........ Jesse and I were once a couple, we dated throughout freshman, sophomore, and it ended in the end of junior. I caught him cheating on me..... And that how I ended up here........ To start fresh..... Make a better appearance and change myself" I say almost in tears. He brushes my tear away with his gigantic thumb. He smiles sweetly.

"I like you just the way you are" he smiles.

"Jesse still there?" I ask

"No he's not. He left after your outburst." He answers.

I walk back to glee.

"I wanted to apologize....... For my unacceptable behaviour, I don't want to get into what really happened. But please accept my sincere apology. I am very sorry" I apologize.

"Accepted Rachel" mr Schue smiles. I take my seat. Finn walk in.

"Mr shue I would like to sing a song" he says smiling at me p, I beam.

"The floor Is yours" he says.

( Finn sings Just the way you are by Bruno Mars. He looks at me the whole time )

When he finishes everyone applauds, I was full blast crying tears of joy. I clapped the loudest. He walk over to me.

"Did I make Rachel Barbara Berry cry?" He asks jokingly,

"What no"I say and quickly wipe my tears away.

"Haha!" He laughs and sits back down.

A/N I had to make it end well! I just has to! It's finchel, they deserve a happy ending, a Comment, Vote, follow and hopefully you enjoyed!

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