Is this how it feels to be pretty?

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Rachel P. O. V

I was never called pretty by anyone except my relatives. You might think that says something right? Yeah it does, it says that your not attractive to anyone. Thanks to Kurt I can probably change that with my new wardrobe ! I look out the window and see that it's a chilly grey day. Perfect! I have an outfit laid out in my mind already! I pick out some black super skinny jeans, a blue and white plaid shirt. I change and I approve of it. I walk down stairs and find a note by my dads

Dear rachel, your father and I have gone out for a case, we might not return for a couple weeks if not a month.

We're really sorry we couldn't tell you in person, you were at your friends house and we weren't able to get on contact with you

Have a great day at school little star! Hiram and Leroy.

YES!!! I got the house to myself! I quickly grab a banana and a cup of yogurt for breakfast. I finished it and walked to school.

"Rachel Berry is that you?!?!" Santana asks

"Uhh yeah?" I answer frowning

"You have a hell of fashion sense" San comments

"Thanks Kurt helped me out" I reply

"Whoa!! Cool you'll have like the whole football team drooling over you! You even will steal Quinn's popularity!" She sighs happily

"Thanks San it means a lot I am happy to call you my BFF!" I say and we walk together into the school.

We walk by Kurt and he looks busy with his boyfriend, but he gives me a smile that says ' my plan worked!'

San was definitely right I saw not just the football team looking at me but t

Every single boy in the school!

"Is this how it feels to be pretty?" I ask to San

"Yeah it is this is how us Cheerios feel like all the boys drool over us! Well I got to for Cheerios practise see ya later Berry!" She waves and leaves for the field. I make my way to the choir room and find it empty. I walk around and out my books beside the piano .

I have taken piano classes ever since iw as 4 I am basically a master, probably the next Mozart. I fumble a few keys and finally find a song to play, funny thing is it was composed my Mozart. I played for what seems like 5 minutes and I feel some thing boring holes on my back. Maybe someone was there? Who cares I was not turning around during the song.

Finn P. O. V

I finished football practice early and I make my way to the choir room I stop a few feet away because I hear a melodious song from the piano playing. I inch forward until I see the one and only Rachel Berry playing it! She was so great I was possibly going by deaf the song it was played better than Mozart! I just stand there at the doorway, she finishes and I start clapping slowly at first then quickly. She turns around and sees me.

"GOSH finn you scared the cupcakes out if me!" She says placing her hand at her heart.

"You have cupcakes in you?"I question fully absent- minded

"No finn it's just a saying" she giggles softly enough for me to hear.

"Where did you learn to play so well?" I question

"I started when I was about 4 years old. Then over time I got better, and I'm not afraid to admit that I still do tale piano lessons" she says

"Why would you be afraid?" I ask frowning at what she said

"Well...never mind" she stops but I want to know why.

"It okay rache you can tell me" I say and it makes her smile, Oh that smile! What it does to me

"I used to be made fun of and called a baby and ever since I never, not ever performed in front of anyone except my dads, or my teacher" she sighs and that story makes my heart break. No one deserves that.

"You should know that playing a piano is a talent, I mean look at me I don't know a thing about pianos" I laugh and so does she.


"Well bye finn" she packs up

"Bye Rachel" I hug her tightly and it feels like some kind of spark.........

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