08 ; New Friend

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"Y/N, wake up!!" Mom said wake me up.

"Why....." I whining.

"You're have to school..." She said while pulling my comforter.

"Why...!! I don't need to go school...!!" I said to my mom.

Yeah....why not? im already grow up and by the way i've had my new life, so i just need to enjoy it.

"No, young lady....you're not grow up yet. So, you're have to go to school." She said crossing her arms.

"No.....i'll already grow up....." I said pulling back my comforter.

"If you said that you've already grow up, that's mean that you have to work and im not gonna give you a money anymore. You should find it by yourself....." She said smirk on her face.

After she said, im wake up quickly and give her a deathly looks.

"Fine.....!!!" I wake up lazily walking to the bathroom. I sigh loudly in the bathroom to let her heard it.

After i've done showering, i wearing my clothes and go downstairs.

(You look like this)

(You look like this)

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"Im leaving...!!!!" I said loudly to let my mom hear it who at the kitchen.

"Wait...!" She said running toward me and give me a box.

"Here, take this." She handing me the box.

"Mom....you dont have to...." I said.

"No, you're should take it and eat it with your friend." She said.

"Mom....why you have to make it? I can buy the lunch at school...." I said.

"Haish, just go to school quickly and eat the food that i'll already give you. Got it?" She said demand me.

"Fine...." I said wearing my shoes.

"And remember, don't be such a troblemaker at school. You've understood?" She said.

"I know, i know....." I said signaling her to get in.

After she getting in the house, im continue tying my lace shoes.

When im tying my lace, i see a man next to my door getting out of his house and walking toward his car.

'huh, that man!' i thought while continue my things.

"But, where he wanna go?" I mumble while watching his step.

In this early? With that suit, maybe he an office man. He's wearing a formal suit and look definitely hot with that outfit.

Im too focus watching him from top to bottom and i just realize that im too late and i start running way to school.

"Thanks god...." I said catching my breath and walking in.

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