17 ; New Me

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After those day happened between me and bambam, my life becomes more better than before. Thanks for him, i can move on. Even in slowly, but i still have improvement.

"Y/N!" A voice called me. I turn my gaze toward the voice. "Nayeon!" I said excitedly. "I miss you. I doesn't even get to see you these day." She said. "Me too." I said. We hugging each other.

I turning my gaze toward the person who standing next to nayeon. Of course it's Tzuyu... I smile at her. She respond my smile. "Let's go eat." She said. Pulling me and tzuyu by her arms. We're walking together to the cafeteria.

Nayeon standing between me and tzuyu. As we're walking together, bambam appears in suddenly. He put his arms around tzuyu's neck. "Hey, what's up guys?" He said. "Whatever. Avoiding him." Nayeon said at me. Teasing him.

I laugh when i saw bambam's react when nayeon teasing him early. My gaze landing on tzuyu as i saw her cheeks blushing. I look up back to the bambam. He was talking with nayeon. He doesn't realized that he's action was effect to tzuyu.

' i think i know something's going on here...' i smiling went i saw tzuyu's face back.

We walking together to the cafeteria.

When we arrived, we take a seat toward the empty table. Nayeon lead us toward the table. She take a seat on the tip. When i saw tzuyu walking to take a seat next to nayeon, i cutting her line. I take a seat next to nayeon.

She saw me that i'd already take a seat next to nayeon. She looking around the table and that is empty seat next to bambam.

"Hmm, i will take another table." She said. She walking out at here, but me stopping her. "Hey, tzuyu. There's a empty seat next to bambam. You should seat there." I said. Everyone is looking at her. "No, it's ok. I will take another table." She said. "No. You need to eat with us." Nayeon add. "Yeah, come here girl. Seat here. Next to me." Bambam said. He reaching her wrist. Pulling her to seat next to him.

I saw that she was blushing for bambam's action. And now, she's sitting next to bambam. A smile appears on my face and it becomes more wide than before. It because my plans was doing well. Thanks to me, i saw that's a smile appears on her face.

We continue our eat until we all finish our lunch. We talked about everything. I saw that everyone was so happy. We laughed together and even we teasing each other.

I'm really thankful for them. And right now, i feel that i can move on in easily. As long as i have them to make me forget about my broken past and create a new memories. A happiness moment this time...

But, it must have someone that will bothering my happiness. She's came...

We're walking at the corridor while we're teasing each other. Suddenly, my gaze landed at someone who i really hope that i will never see again. I stopped my steps. They're turning to my side and looking toward my direction.

They're wided their eyes looking at the person who standing straight at the middle of the hallway.

"Oh my god, guys?" They're turning the gaze on nayeon. Except me. Still looking at her. "Do you guys still remember what i'd said before that i'd saw a woman in the principal's office?" They're all nodded for her question. Waiting her to answer. "That's a woman who i saw." She said while pointing her index finger toward a woman direction. Everyone was gasped except me.

I turning my back. Don't want to see her. Until i don't realize that's a tears escaped from my eyes. I shut my eyes. I feel a pair of hands landed on my shoulder. I removed the tears away quickly to cover my face. I turning back. Facing them.

"Hey, are you ok? What's happened?" Bambam ask me. "Nothing." I shake my head.

She looks really lost. She looking around the hallway and her gaze landed on me. I saw that's a smile appears on her face. She's walking toward our direction. "You. I knew you. It's Y/N, right?" She said. Now, they're all turning at me. I nodded. "Good. So, as you're already here, Can you show me the way to Jackson's office?" She said. I looking at them. They're looks really shocked. Waiting my answer. "Sure." I said. "Great." She add. "I'll see you guys later." I whispered.

We're walking at the hallway way to the jackson's office. And now, i was standing in front of his office. I feel nervous. My heart throbbing really fast. My fist up in front of his door. Knocking his door.

"Come in." A voice said. I take a deep breath before I'm walking in. I take step closer to her desk. And now, i was standing in the middle of his office.

"Oh, Y/N. So, what's the reason you'd came here?" He said. Landing against his chair. Looking while smiling at me. "I just wanna say that's someone want to see you." I said. "Really? Say to the person to come in." He said. "But, wait? Are you ok these day?" He add. I avoiding his question and call her to come in.

"Jackson!" She's coming in and running toward his direction. I saw that his expression was changed. He looked totally shocked. "Dahyun? What are you doing here?" He ask. "Why, i can't see my fiancee?" She pouting. "If there's nothing can i do, can i go?" I ask. I can't stay here anymore. I feels that my tears will burst in anytime. "No. I wanna-  " oh, you can go" she cut his word. I bowed at them and walking out.

After i had walked out, i running toward the restroom. I washing my face. Remove the rest of tears on my cheeks. I looking at myself through the mirror. "I promise, i will never cry about you anymore! I'm a strong. I'm not a loser. Show him that you are not a weak!" I said motivated myself. I take a deep breath and walking out.

I walking confidently at the hallway. I walking toward my locker and open it.

*Kring... Kring...

The bell is ringing. I shut my locker and walking toward my next class.

I need to be strong! No tears leave to cry! Not anymore!


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