playing with fire

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A/N:JUST A FILLER once I get to my computer I'll add the dedication


When I woke Luke was gone, there was a post it note stuck to my forehead. Pulling it off I read it, sighing as it was short and to the point.


Left, be back later.

I crumpled it and tossed it in his trash bin, grabbing my bag of clothes I walked to his bathroom to shower. Stripping off my clothes I turned on the shower keeping the water cold, only way to wake me up when I haven't slept good. Standing under the water I gritted my teeth and washed my hair and body, rinsing myself off I stood under it till my teeth started to chatter. Shutting it off I got out and dried off, dressing in sweats and a baggy cookie moster shirt I tied my hair up in a lose pony tail. Putting my dirty clothes in the bag I walked to Luke's room, grabbing a pen and the post it notes I left him a note. Sticking it to his door and closing it I left and started walking home, holding my heels in my hands hoping I didn't burn my feet on the pavement.

Getting home I was happy to see no one was home, that gives me time before the explosion. I walked to my room and sat on my bed tossing my bag to the corner, looking around my room I sighed at all the pink stuff. I swear my room looks like a six year old girl lived in it, before I loved it but getting the smallest taste of Luke's world made figure out I'm not the sweet good girl I was trying to be. I can't stay that simple any longer. I need to change it, need to show my parents that they can't keep me young and innocent. I know that's what every parent wants but I need to change to grow, need to stop playing with barbies (figuretively) and start playing with fire.

Just cause my intrests and appereances change don't mean I'm gonna drop my grades and rebel, it just ment that I liked different things. I wont drop out of school, I wont pop up pregnant, I'll just be happier. I jumped up and grabbed my wallet, running out the door I called Michael hoping he had a different car. "Hey, Mikey wanna go shopping with me?" I heard him chuckle saying he would be right here, I smiled and hung up the phone. I locked up my house and stood by the drive way and waited for Michael, sighing happily when he drove up in a Dodge truck. Jumping up on to the step I sat down and looked at Michael, he looked like he just rolled out of bed and came for me. He wore a bro tank that said 'Idiot', and a pair of sweats, his hair was covered by a gray beanie. "Did I wake you up?" He nodded and yawned as he drove off making me chuckle, and sit back enjoying the music playing off his ipod.

We went to all his favorite places in the mall, it was perfect for the style I wanted to go with. He helped me pick out a lot of stuff and even introduced me to some new bands, it was the music I heard from his ipod. I was surprised that I liked it, I was use to listining to pop not punk rock. He helped me pick paint for my room, and some new curtins and beding. Everything was black, except for the paint. By the time we left I had at least fifty bags, he had one and it was a new stud for his eyebrow.

We drove to the home depot near my house and got paint suplies and tarps to cover my carpet. When he took me home there was no one there so we went straight up to my room and started to put stuff away. He helped me move my stuff into my sister's old room, then we covered the floor and started painting. Within thirty minutes my room was a dark purple, and so were we.

We went down stairs to eat and let the paint dry, mucking around we made pasta and ate what we didn't burn. After eating we went to the living room and watched 'Frozen', his cgoice not mine. I wanted 'Mighty Joe Young', but since he woke up just to take me shopping I let him pick. By the end of the movie my room was dry enough to put all my stuff back, rearanging my room as we put it all back. Just as we collapsed on my bed I remembered that we still need to put up the curtins and new posters. Turning to Michael I chuckled seeing him fast asleep, hugging my stuffed lion that I got when my appendix busted. I decided to let him sleep while I shower and get some of the paint off my body and hair.

When I came out of the bathroom fully dressed I saw Michael putting up my posters, laughing softly as he fell down and rolled up again. "I didn't want you there anyway!" Michael shouted at the rolled up poster as if it was gonna answer him back. "Hey Mike, I think maybe we should be nice to the poster then maybe it will stay. Watch." I walked over to it and placed it on the wall letting Michael tape it down, stepping back I smiled. "See it looks so awesome there." He huffed and flipped off the poster, calling it a kiss ass. Michael turned to get the next poster cursing loudly as he looked at the time. "Gotta go Elena, I can't be late for work again. I had fun today, we should do it again." I nodded as I followed him to the door.

He gave me a quick hug before rushinng to his truck, I waved as he drove off chuckling at the purpled hair dork I now call a friend. As I was turning to go in side something across the street caught my attention. My mouth dropped as my heart beat picked up, across the street stood Luke with a boquet of black and purple roses in one hand and a small white box in the other.





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