Problem solved

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Its been about a week since Luke and I celebrated our six weekth anniversary, we been doing nothing but staying at his house and hanging with his friends. I hate being at home now that I'm not my

parents picture perfect daughter, honestly the only thing that has changed about me is my appereance and taste in certian music. Other then that I'm still a straight 'A' student, that sleeps with a stuffed lion that Michael wants to steal from me. Luke doesn't care what I look like, or how I act, he only wants me to be me and to be happy. I love him for that, at first I feared he only loved what I became. I tested that by going back to how I used to be, shy and closed off, when he still treated me the same way I knew he loved me. He even encourged me to be who I really am, not what I think

he wants. So I did, I still wear the clothes my sister bought me, but I make no attempt at hiding that I'm smart, or the fact that I love many childish things. I'm still me but with a new look, and Luke could care less if people question us, he wants to be with me no matter what.

Which was why we were now sitting at a dinner table with my parents and his family, silently eating the dinner Mrs.Hemmings cooked. It was unusal to see his family so quiet, I couldn't stand the silence when I'm so use to a loud laughter filled dinner. "Liz, this pasgetti is wonderful. I see why its Luke's favorite, he loves it so much he's trying to wear it." We all glanced at Luke who had sauce all over his face, smiling sheepishly when we all started laughing at the sight. "Shut it Waters, and its spaghetti not pasgetti, dork." I stuck my tongue out at him and threw a noddle at him, causing him to throw some sauce at me which ended up hitting Jack in the face. "Children behave now, you should not play with your food." My mother glared at me as my father spoke. "Yes Elena, where are you manners? I'm sorry Mrs.Hemmings, I don't know whats gotten into my daughter." My father smiled apologetically. "Nonsense, if I didn't have guests I would join their little food fight myself." I smiled at her and tossed another noddle at Luke, earing me a sauce covered kiss to the cheek.

After dinner and more small food fights we all gathered in the living room to chat, my parents just watched us like we were animals in a cage. "So Elena, are you going to Perth with Luke and the lads for their gig on sunday?" I nodded my head ignoring the look my parents gave me. "I thought it would be fun to finally see them preform, as you know Luke kicks me out of the garage when they practice." She nodded and Luke sneakily flipped me the bird. "Well I want it to be a surprise, sorry for trying to be some what romantic." I laughed at his dorkiness along with his family. Soon after that I was leaving with my parents, saying bye to Luke and his family I reluctantly got in my dad's car and went home. I know we would have a conversation about what I said at Luke's but I didn't care they weren't gonna stop me. How could they, I'm not a child, and Ben and Jack were going with us to keep an eye on us. So we wont be with out adult (kind of) supervision. I wont let them change my mind.

Just like I thought, the front door hadn't even closed yet when they started in on me. "You are not going to Perth with that delinquent! I forbid it." I turned to my parents, tired of their misjudgments of

Luke. "Yes father, you shall forbid it, what you shall not do is keep me here like a child." I wasn't sure why I was speaking so properly, maybe it had to do with the fact that my parents acted like I was a

child. "The hell I can't, as long as you live under my roof you will follow my rules!" I rolled my eyes and headed to my room, calling over my shoulder. "So I'll move out. Problem solved."

When I got out of the shower I called Luke to ask him to meet me outside in ten minutes, he said he'd be right here and hung up. I got dressed and packed some extra clothes in my book bag, locking my door I climbed out my window and waited for Luke. When he drove up I ran to his car, I opened the door and got in quickly, he drove off before my parents could look out the window. "So why you sneaking away tonight? Not that I mind being the get away driver." I smiled knowing that I could count on him for anything, even if it means I could get in a lot of trouble. "Well when I got home my parents started in on me again, so I told that they can't control me. My dad said he could as long as I live under is roof, so I was thinking me, you, and the lads could get our own place together." I smiled at him hopefully, almost cheering when he smiled back at me. "I already got a place picked out babe. And the lads have been wanting to do this since Ashton got out of school a year ago, so all we need is the first months rent." I smiled and held up my bank card. "I already have some saved." He smiled and told me to call the lads and let them know. "Tell them the batcave is in progress." I chuckled at him and his child like ways, how did I ever think this boy was a bad boy.

By the time we reached his house all the lads knew about our plan, and it was an understatement to say they were excited. All we had to do now was tell Luke's parents. "Mum, dad, can we talk to you for a second?" He yelled out as we walked into the house, they called us into the kitchen where they were drinking some tea. "Sure hon what is it?" I sat down next to Andrew and looked at Luke waiting for him to explain. "Well. When Elena got home tonight, her parents started in on her again, you know what I mean. And well she decided to leave home and get her own place, I was thinking the lads and I could move in with her and help with the bills and rent." We both looked at his parents waiting for their response, hoping it was a good one. "Oh thank god, I thought you were gonna tell us Elena was pregnant. Of course you can move out to help her, you've been wanting to do this for awhile. Just remember this is a big responsibility for both of you, make sure you're both ready." We nodded and hugged them both before going up to his room and getting ready for bed.

As I laid on Luke's bed, waiting for him to shower, I thought about what Liz said. And hopefully she's wrong.



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