To the fool we will not play today

513 9 14

Elena's P.O.V

 The words fell from my lips easily, filled with emotion, they felt right, true. "I love you too Luke." I didn't know it till now, till he said it, that I was in love with Luke Hemmings. Maybe I always was, maybe that's why I was so anger filled when he treated me like every other girl. It would explain why I never turned him down, why I would just let him into my home, let him tell me what to do then just follow him like it was nothing. Maybe that's why I gave him all the chances I have, because I wanted him to prove himself, wanted to call him mine.

It felt right with him, like nothing else matters, or exsists. Just being near him brought comfort to me, like when we were floating to shore on his board, or when we faced my parents. He had an effect on me like no other, he set my skin a flame, my heart racing, my adernaline on high. He made me happy, more then happy, he made me free. He helped me find the real me, helped me embrace her and love her, now he's given me something else to love. Him. I love him.

He smiled at me leaning in slowly to connect our lips, moving them slowly almost like he was afraid I'd disappear. I leaned my head to the side deepening the kiss, falling back in slow motion as he hovered over me. I watched his movements carefully, studying him almost, as he removed his shirt letting it fall beside us. I ran my finger tips lightly over his torso, merorizing how he felt as he shivered from my touch. He stopped my hand by placing his over mine, bringing it up to his lips he kissed each of my finger tips, before lacing our fingers together. He leaned down connecting our lips again as he moved to straddle my legs, slipping his hands under the hem of my shirt. Bunching it up in his hands as he pulled it over my head, he kissed along my chest as he unclasped my bra.

Each of his touches, fingers, lips, breath, felt like fire against my skin. Making goosebumps rise in their wake, he took his time touching me. Like he was caressing the peatls of a rose, to harsh and they weather and die, to soft and they feel nothing. My heart beat was felt everywhere in my body, my chest rising and falling with quick breaths as he continued to remove my cloths as well as his. Before long we lay naked, intwined as he presses his lips to mine.

I gasp into the kiss as he slides his member deep inside me, holding still as he laced our hands together and raised them above my head where my hair was spralwed out on the pillows. Holding onto me tight he pulled out slowly before pushing back in just as slow. I bit my lip moaning as I locked gazes with him, his eyes were filled with pleasure, lust, and love. Matching mine as he started thrusting in a slow rythym, this was nothing compared to the rough fast sex we've had before. Or to the slow make up sex that was inturrupted yesterday. This was filled with love and nothing more, it was raw emotion that had us gasping for air as he thrusted faster. The ball of fire in my stomach tightening as my orgasm started to build, filling my veins with euphoria as my vision blured. "Luke I'm." He cut me off by kissing my lips softly. "On three." He counted down with his lips still pressed to mine, as he hit three we both cried out hitting our highs almost in sych.

He rolled off me and pulled me into his chest, holding me close as he pulled a blanket over our sweaty bodies. Cuddling close to him I let my eyes drift closed as I felt sleep take over. "I love you Luke Hemmings." He kissed my forehead tightening his arms around me, keeping me close to him. "I love you too Elena Waters."

I woke up the next day in Luke's room, I'm not sure how I got here but I'm guessing he carried me up here before his family found us cuddling naked on the living room floor. As I thought about last night's events I was snapped to reality quickly, I'm dating Luke Hemmings. I'm in love with Luke Hemmings, I'm gonna be late for school. I jumped up and rushed dressed, pulling on whatever I could find, tying my hair back I ran downstairs. Bumping into Luke made us both fall on the floor, I was on top of him and his arms were around my waist. "Woah slow down there, where you off to so fast?" I kissed him quick before jumping to my feet. "Gotta get home to get ready for school."

When I got home my family was sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner, I ignored them and ran upstairs to my room. I grabbed some clothes and rushed to the bathroom, taking a quick shower I threw on the clothes I picked. A nirvana shirt, that I'm pretty sure belonged to Luke, and black skinny jeans. I grabbed my old black vans and tied my hair up in a high pony tail. Adding a light eye make up and slipping on the ring that Luke got me. Looking in the mirror I winked before heading down stairs, not quite ready to face my family.

"Elena can we talk to you a minute?" I sighed and walked to the table, staring at them as I mentally counted to sixty. "We aren't happy with you being sexually active, but since you are old enough to make your own desicions and are being careful; we will choose to ignore it. We just ask that you keep it to yourself, don't let us find you again." I nodded before leaving, laughing as I saw Michael sitting on his motorcycle across the street. I walked over to him and smiled as he patted the seat behind him. "So you're my ride to school?" He nodded and started the bike as I climbed on, waving at my parents, who were glaring at us from the front door, as we drove away.

I got many glares from girls as I walked in to school, arm linked with Michael's, but I didn't care anymore. They could glare all they want cause I got something that makes it all worth it, or so I thought. When I neared Luke he waved to Michael smirking at a girl behind me before walking away. He didn't even care that I was there, he was once again the bad boy who keeps playing me for a fool. Jackomo feena nay (To the fool we will not play today). "Hey Mike, um let's skip today." He nodded looking at me with sad eyes, before he walked away I asked him to open Luke's locker for him. I've seen him do it before so I know he can, he nodded and opened it with ease. I grabbed a paper and wrote in big letters. Fuck You Luke Hemmings!!!!! </3. I tapped it to his locker door where he would find it, along with the ring, before leaving with Michael.

 I fell for another bad boy promise.

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A/N : please don' hate me just yet, I'll give you 5sos for christmas.

chapters left:5

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