Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

The next morning I woke up with the sunlight. I glanced down at the ground where Sebastien was last night, but he was gone and so was all his stuff.

It shouldn't have hurt me but it did. I only knew him for a day, but I felt that we'd gotten close enough for at least a goodbye. Guess my first instinct was right about him after all.

I'm so glad I didn't kiss him.

I sighed and turned on my phone. I was hoping Emma had texted me about when she'd arrive.

Hey, doll, I hope you're having a fantastic time in Italy right now! I really don't know how to tell you this, so I'll just spit it out. I'm not coming to Italy...or anywhere. I've decided to stay home and finish out my senior year the right way. Graduation, prom, all that. I'm really sorry. I hope you consider giving home a second chance too. I miss you. Love, Emma.

I stared at my phone numbly.

She wasn't coming.

Sebastien was gone.

What the fuck was I supposed to do now?

I sat there in a shocked silence long enough for everyone else in the hostel room to get up and leave.

When the door creaked I didn't even turn around.

"Hey, Potatoes, did you get my note?" I shook my head. No way. No way. He was standing in the doorway holding a bag of something. "Sorry that took so long. The line at the bakery was just dreadful."


He blinked. "Yeah?"

"I was just having a minor life crisis, sorry." Then I laughed for an inappropriately long time. Sebastien stared, that smirk beginning to form on his face. "Emma, my friend, decided not to come and I'd thought you'd gone on your merry way."

Sebastien sat down on the bed, now concerned. "Emma's not coming?" I shook my head. "Well what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to go home."

He opened his mouth as if to say something but hesitated. I looked at him expectantly. "If you want, we could travel together. You and I. It would be my pleasure."

I should have hesitated. I should have thought about the fact that I'd only known Sebastien for a day. That I hardly knew anything about him. That this was unplanned and probably would give my parents a heart attack.

But I didn't, instead I just grinned and said, "Okay."

Sebastien grinned back. "Well where do you want to go?"


Ibiza, Spain.
February 26th, 1:23 PM

Sebastien had insisted on taking a plane. I insisted on paying for my ticket.

I'd only had ever heard about Ibiza. Briefly mentioned in snippets of conversations. People would just say, "I went to Ibiza over spring break." And everyone else would just nod, with a knowing smile on their face.

I guess it was just something you had to experience.

Ibiza was an island of the coast of Spain. It was known as a party island with some of the best and biggest clubs in the world.

And now I was here.


Sorry this chapter was short! I'm having kind of a writing block right now. I know exactly where I want this story to go, but I don't really know how to get there. Please share, comment, and vote because it encourages me to keep writing! I promise next weeks chapter will be much longer!

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