Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

I checked my phone as we were heading out of the airport. I gasped.

Sebastien turned to me. "What's wrong?"

"My mom sent out a missing persons report for me."

"Oh geez. What do you want to do about that?"

"Nothing. I'm not missing and my mom knows that. I'm an adult and I have every right to be here."

Sebastien shrugged. "It's almost two which means the beach clubs should be hopping by now. They're not really hard to find."

We wandered out of the airport and hailed a taxi. It reminded me of what I did in Venice. I couldn't believe that was just yesterday.

Sebastien was right, the beach clubs really weren't hard to find. We asked the cab driver to take us to the nearest one and he just pulled over. "If you wander far enough down this beach, you can run into Bora Bora I'm pretty sure." he said. Sebastien threw him some money and we stepped out into the sun.

The sand here was as soft as powder and the ocean was as blue as the sky. All around people were laughing and drinking and dancing, but I only had one thing in mind.

I stripped off my clothes down to the bikini I'd put on this morning. I really hoped Sebastien was giving me that smirk right now.

But he wasn't, instead he was grinning as an African guy charged toward him.

"Hey, hey, hey! Sebastien, what the fuck are you doing here?" the man asked clapping him on the back.

"No, what the fuck are you doing here, Felix?"

"Well I was slumming it up in Zanzibar when I met these French chicks. I ended up in Cape Town with them and I won this free one way ticket at a casino and well here I am. You were so right about getting the hell out of Tanzania though. There's a whole world out here."

"Indeed there is. Man, it is so fucking good to see you. Raegan, this is my brother, Felix."

"Adopted brother though obviously." Felix said gesturing toward Sebastien's white skin tone.

Huh. Interesting. Sebastien hadn't mentioned a brother.

"Well anyways, I just scored three tickets to a cruise. I was going to invite these British chicks I'd been eyeing, but I'd rather go with you and your lady friend." Felix's eyes landed on my boobs and stayed there for a good five seconds. Sebastien coughed. Felix lazily raised his head. "Well whaddya say?"

And that's how an hour later, we ended up on Captain Jack's Booze Cruise.

"Ladies and gentlemen are you ready?" the DJ screamed.

Everyone else screamed back.

"I didn't hear you!"

Everyone else screamed louder.

"One more time.!

Ear splitting screams this time.

"Welcome to Captain Jack's Booze Cruise!"

Thumping techno music then filled the speakers. I looked around for Sebastien and Felix, but I guess I'd lost them in the crowd.

I politely declined all the drinks that were shoved in my face. It was only three o' clock. That was too early to be drunk. Even if everyone else on this boat was.

Wandering over to a quieter part of the ship, I heard raised voices from one of the ships inside rooms.

"...I kinda figured I'd never see you again."

"I was going to come back." That was Sebastien's voice.

"Really, when? It's been four years, brother. Aailahya still cries when she thinks no one's listening."

"She wished me well."

"That doesn't mean she wanted you to leave. That doesn't mean I wanted you to leave. I mean how hard would it have been to visit? Just to let us know you didn't die."

"Well here I am. Why don't you go tell Aaliyah and Bapi that."

"What makes you think I'm going back? You think you can just go on your way and leave me to live in that fucking prehistoric fishing village for the rest of my life?"

"That is your life, Felix! You were born there I wasn't."

"Take that back, you bastard."

"I won't."

"Aaliyah and Bapi gave everything to you and you just left them."

"That's not the reason why I left and you know it."

"So leave again. It shouldn't be too hard for you."

Then the door swung open and Sebastien stormed right past me.

I walked into the room.

"Felix?" He turned around. "Hey, I'm sorry. You're not worthless."

He didn't say anything. His eyes gleamed. He licked his lips. He walked over to the door and shut it.


Within seconds he was on me. He had me pinned to the wall with his hand over my mouth. That gleam in his eyes was predatory. I tried to scream but it was useless. He started ripping at my bikini top. I closed my eyes. I waited for the end.

But then, in movie perfect timing, the door swung open.

The man stalked across the room. Tapped Felix on the shoulder and punched him so hard Felix flew across the room.

"What the fuck?" He growled. It was Sebastien. Of course it was.

"You get everything. All the girls! The whole fucking world! And what do I get? Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"You sound like a child." he spat. "Maybe that's why you didn't get anything. You never grew up."

"You never gave me a chance."

"And what? That gives you the right to rape the first girl you see?"

Felix scoffed. "Since when do you care about women like that?"

Then Sebastien picked me up, literally picked me up, and took me out of the room.

He set me down as soon as we were well away from that side of the ship.

"The boat's docking up here on a nearby island. We can talk there."

I followed him wordlessly. My arms crossed protectively over my chest. If Sebastien noticed he didn't say anything.

We walked off the boat together. But we weren't together. We were as far apart as we could ever be.


Hey, hey, hey! So I updated after all! Powered through my writing block and I got this really dark chapter. I had no idea that this book was going to end up here, but it did, that's what I love about writing! Anyway did you guys like this darker twist? Let me know what you think in the comments! Also what do you think about Sebastien? The more we learn about him, the sketchier he gets (and it gets sketchier). Do you still love him though? The book will get lighter again, but I'm kinda digging these dark twists. Don't forget to like, comment and share!

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