Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

After about an hour of standing in line we finally made it into one of the clubs. Inside it looked like a football stadium became a dance floor.

A base tone thumping through the speakers so loud I couldn't hear myself think, much less Sebastien talking to me. People packed together so close I couldn't move without grinding on someone. The flashing neon lights were blinding. Girls danced in bikinis on poles above the dance floor.

Last night a masquerade and now this. I wondered what tomorrow night would bring.

I lost track of time inside the club. It could have been hours or maybe just minutes that I spent grinding against Sebastien. Of course the alcohol that was served certainly didn't help my mind.

Thump, thump, thump went the gyrating base. I swayed my hips and felt Sebastien's breath in my ear as we moved. His hips moved with mine as I ran my hands through my hair. His hands moved up and down my body, grazing just over the sensitive places for only seconds before he quickly moved them. I felt his attraction to me as I continued to move faster and faster against him. His breath got faster and hotter against me.

I sighed and the rest of the world ceased to exist.

God damn, this boy could dance.

Breathlessly, Sebastien led me up to a balcony. There were only a few people up here and the night Mediterranean breeze felt refreshing against my pulsing body. His arms wrapped around me from behind. His odd but sexy African/British accent gave me chills as he whispered in my ear. "I've never felt more alive than I do with you."

I shivered. He had just spoken my thoughts.

Slowly he bent down and nipped my ear. His tongue grazed the top of my ear. I melted against him as he continued. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. My entire world was Sebastien.

But I was rudely awoken from my trance, when someone tapped Sebastien on his back. It was a tall African man with a leather jacket and a glare worn on his face.

Sebastien looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "God fucking dammit not you too?" He looked regretfully over at me. "Raegan, I'll be right back I promise." Then he and the strange man stalked away.

Well okay then.

I walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. My phone buzzed. I frowned. Some guy had airdropped me a low quality nude.

"You know I could show you much better porn than that in my mirror tonight, if you're interested."

I gaped at the bartender smirking in front of me. A black shirt that outlined his muscles perfectly. Shaggy blonde hair that was perfectly unkempt. Bright blue eyes that glimmered with cockiness. His accent was German? I couldn't quite place it. He stuck out a hand. "Alec Terra. Austrian born and raised, at your service."

I shook it. "Raegan Mills. American born and raised, at your pleasure."

His eyes twinkled. "I knew you were an American."


He smiled mischievously. "You can just tell. Taller, blonder, bigger boobs."

"That's completely absurd!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

A crowd was now starting to gather around the bar, but Alec's eyes never left mine. He dropped his voice, his clip vowles now accented. "I think it is."

"Raegan! There you are." Sebastien slid up behind me. He looked at Alec. "I see you have a thing for finding guys in bars."

I blushed but Alec was grinning. "Goddamn, if it isn't Sebastien Koyombo. Alive and thriving and back on my very own island."

How many people did Sebastien know?

"Alec! Brother, how've you been?"

"Same old, same old. This club's still my home, three years later." He lowered his voice. "Wer ist das Mädchen?"

Right, they didn't know I spoke German. Why was Alec asking who I was? Why did he care?

Sebastien laughed. "Ah Alec, sie ist nur eine Amerikanerin."

I gaped at him. "Just an American?"

Sebastien blinked. "You didn't tell me you spoke German."

I glared at him. "I'm fluent. My mom's parents were German. She taught me."

"Hey, Sebastien, do you guys have a place to crash tonight?" Alec asked.

Sebastien grinned. "Why? Your apartment up for use again?"


"For you, brother, anything." Then Alec tossed Sebastien a key.

Sebastien turned to me. His smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, blue eyes glistening. "Ready?"


Hey, hey, hey! Sorry for the long break with no updates, but here's chapter 10!

Who was the guy who pulled Sebastien away?

Who is this Alec guy? What kind of past do he and Sebastien have?

Why did Sebastien say that Raegan was "just an American"?

All to be answered in the coming chapters! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

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