Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

We hailed a cab and drove in silence to this Alec's apartment. I just didn't understand Sebastien. He was more hot and cold than anyone I'd ever met. He was so guarded. The more I learned about him, the more I realized I truly knew nothing. He was a man made of secrets and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I'd only known him for two days and we'd managed to run into about half a dozen people that he knew from all over the world.

Sweden, Austria, Tanzania.

Sebastien was such a big person. His story I only knew a part of, but what I knew I couldn't even begin to fathom. Of course he'd called me just an American. Sebastien was a part of a world that I hadn't even known existed until I met him. He made me feel so small and so insignificant. He made me feel like I didn't know anything at all. He was showing me a world that I thought I'd never see.

It terrified me.

But I also loved it.

I was addicted to it.

Addicted to him.

When the cab driver stopped the car, I saw what was most definitely not an apartment. It was a mansion.

"He owns the club." Sebastien said as we got out.

"The one we were just in?"


"But he's so young." How could he already own a club? Much less one that was one of the most successful in the world.

Sebastien gave me a weird look. "So?"

I didn't answer because he wouldn't understand why I didn't get it. Alec and Sebastien came from a world where an Austrian opening a club in Ibiza by the age of 22 was nothing big. But to me it was huge. It showed me how far out of the loop I really was.

It was beautiful inside the mansion. Modern with a medieval twist. Chandeliers and flat screens. Animal skin rugs and marble floors.

I wearily sat down on one of the couches.  A part of me thought that it would spontaneously combust just because I looked at it. "Who was that man who pull you away at the club earlier?"

Sebastien's blue eyes stared right into me as he spoke, "My father."

I almost choked. "What?"

He nodded. "Yup, he was looking for me. Has been for a while apparently. I guess he finally tracked down enough people to find my trail. Felix tipped him off I think." He sighed. "He wants me to come home. I told him fuck no and walked away."

I shook my head. "Why won't you go home, Sebastien?"

"Do you want to go home?"

"Not right now, but when the end of the summer comes, I'll leave."

"You say that now, but a few months from now I know you'll feel very differently."

"It doesn't matter, Sebastien. I have a life to go back to. I have college and my family. I can't just run away and leave it all behind."

He laughed. "You're a fucking hypocrite, Raegan. Isn't that what you just did? Your mom put out a missing persons report for you, obviously your decision was controversial. And it doesn't appear as if you give a damn about any of that."

"I'm coming back." My voice was small.

"Trust me, I thought I was coming back too. It's been four years."

"Exactly, hasn't it been long enough? At least for a visit? It's fucked up that your father had to literally go to the ends of the Earth to track you down."

He seethed and stood up. "You don't fucking understand, Raegan. Don't pretend to."

I threw my hands up. "Well enlighten me, then!"

"You have a life to go back to. College, family and friends who only want the best for you, a future, a stable first world country where you can be anything you want to be. I don't have any of that. And after I've seen all of this," He motioned to the mansion we were in. "I'm sure as hell not going back."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Your family clearly loves you, Sebastien. If they didn't your father wouldn't have come all the way--"

"Stop trying to understand, Raegan!" I curled up into myself on the couch. The way he had just screamed at me made me feel cold in places I'd never felt before. He lowered his voice, disgust dripping from his voice like venom. "It makes me want to slap you all the way back to America, where you belong. You belong in the world of posh, hypocritical bastards, who try to understand the problems of the rest of the world when you can't even imagine what the rest of us go through." He raised a hand as if to slap me. I flinched back involuntarily. Something dark danced deep in his bright blue eyes. Slowly he lowered his hand at me and spoke at barely a whisper. "I never want to see you again."

With that he turned on his heels and stormed away. A few moments later I heard a door slam somewhere deep in the house.

I stayed curled up on the couch. I couldn't stop shivering. Sebastien was right. I didn't belong here. I didn't understand what he had gone through and it was naive of me to pretend I did.

I heard the door click open and slowly I sat up.

It was Alec.

He looked at me alone on the couch and cocked his head. "Where's Sebastien?"

I didn't say anything. I just shook my head.

Alec walked over to me and sat down. Concern flashed in his bright blue eyes. God they were just like Sebastien's. I had to look away. He tilted my chin so I had to look at him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head again.

"Sebastien is--"

I cut him off. "I don't want to talk about it."

What Alec had said to me back at the club flashed in my mind.

You know I could show you much better porn than that in my mirror tonight, if you're interested.

I leaned forward and touched my lips to his. He responded immediately, pushing his body against mine and slipping his tongue inside my mouth. He picked me up and carried me to what I assumed was his room.

It all happened so fast but we definitely "watched some porn in his mirror" that night.

I fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up to Sebastien standing over us, his arms crossed and eyes flashing.

"What the fuck?"


Got another pretty dark chapter. I hope you enjoyed it!

What do you think of Sebastien now?

What about Alec?


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