Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

The silence in the room was deafening. Sebastien stared at Alec and I, our naked bodies tangled in his pristine white sheets.

He shook his head. "I didn't take you for a whore, Raegan."

"You don't know me, Sebastien, stop pretending you do. Stop trying to understand."

Sebastien flinched as I threw his words from last night right back at him. Slowly he started to laugh, a deep, dark chuckle that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. "Oh, Raegan. I know exactly who you are."

With that he was gone. I heard the front door slam and the sound of an engine. Then I heard the screech of tires as the car sped away.

I looked at Alec and he looked at me. It didn't make any sense. We'd met less than 24 hours ago in some club, where we'd had what couldn't have been more than a 30 second conversation. And now here I was, in his bed, with the one guy I knew speeding farther and farther away.

I no longer had the capability to form words.

Alec must have sensed this because he didn't say anything.

He rolled out of bed and padded down the hallway.

I stayed there shell shocked. I didn't move a muscle for hours. My thoughts were racing, but I couldn't think at all. I just wanted my mind to stop working, but the silence scared me even more.

Eventually I got out of bed and wrapped a sheet around me. Slowly I wandered down the hallway and into the kitchen where I saw Alec sitting, reading a newspaper and sipping coffee.

"Sebastien left." He said after a moment.

I sighed. "Yeah, I heard."

"No, I mean he left Ibiza. He caught this earliest flight out of here."

My eyes bulged. Sebastien did what? "Where did he go?"

"I don't know, Raegan, but it's Sebastien we're talking about. He left hours ago. By now he could be anywhere."

I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe it. He left me. He completely left me, because of one dumb fight.

Although I couldn't put all the blame on him. I had gone and slept with the first guy I'd seen.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. You can wait here for Sebastien, but, Raegan, I don't know if he'll even come back. The last time he was here was three and a half years ago."

"I'm going to go find him." Alec looked as shocked as I felt. I didn't know that this was my plan until I'd said it aloud.

"Raegan . . . it's a really big world out there. You realize he could be literally anywhere. Hong Kong, Norway, some remote Argentinian village. If he doesn't want to be found, you aren't going to find him. He's a master at this. He's been on the run for the past four years."

I blinked and looked at Alec sharply. "Been on the run?"

Alec inhaled. "I've said too much already. But if you want to find him it's not up for me to stop you," He grabbed his keys from the counter. "Come on, we're going to the airport."

February 27th, 3;45 PM
Aeroport d'Eivissa, Ibiza

We were silent on the way to the airport. The whole ride there I was wondering why I was doing this. Clearly Sebastien didn't care about me and according to Alec he was on the run. He'd lied to me when he'd told me that this had all been some long vacation he just didn't want to end. It was so much more. There was always more when it concerned Sebastien.

Alec cut the engine and together we walked inside the airport. I wasn't sure what his plan was but I was too busy thinking to ask, at the moment at least, I didn't really care.

I went up to the middle-aged lady at the front desk and smiled. I could do this. "Excuse me, ma'am, how many flights have flown out of here today?"

She looked at me incredulously. "You're kidding me, right?" The woman spoke with a heavy Spanish accent. "Dozens upon dozen of flights fly out of here each hour. Why would you even ask such a thing?"

I gritted my teeth into a smile. "Right, ma'am of course, how silly of me. Have you by any chance have a man by a flight out of here today? He's about my age, tall, shaggy dark brown hair, blue eyes as bright as the ocean, with a smirk that makes you want to melt."

The lady gave me an unamused laugh. "Even if I had I'd ben unable to tell you."

Alec then stepped in front of me and whispered something into the woman's ear. He slipped something into her hand and lightly caressed her breast, his eyes twinkling.

Alec looked at her expectantly. "I think a one way flight to Barcelona is what you want," She lowered her voice. "Although I can't guarantee he'll still be there. He easily could have hopped on another plane. Barcelona's airport is much bigger than this one with much more flight options."

I looked at Alec and the woman gratefully. Alec leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later, Raegan."

"You're not coming?" I asked frowning.

He laughed softly. "Not all of us have a life we can give up."

With that he left. Dazed I bought my ticket from the lady. I had suddenly found myself on my third plane and I'd only been at this for three days.


Do you think Raegan will find Sebastien in Barcelona?

Do you think it was a wise decision to go after him?

Why did Alec say Sebastien has been on the run for the past four years?

Read on to find out and don't forget to like, comment, and share!

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