Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

I don't know how long I sat on the blue plastic chair in the station. I couldn't understand anything anyone was saying, but my eyes kept darting frantically from person to person, hoping to get a clue to what was going on.

When I saw him walk through the door, I rose from my chair, finally seeing a familiar face.

"Kutoboa!" I called out, but he had already stalked past me and was being ushered into a private questioning room by one of the officers.

Damn it.

Weren't they supposed to be questioning me right now or something? That was why I was dragged here, right? What was going on? Why was Kutoboa taking so goddamn long in that room?

As if the universe had answered my thoughts, the door of the room opened and Kutoboa walked out, making direct eye contact with me.

He walked right toward me and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me up from my chair.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my legs tripping over themselves as they tried to meet the pace that Kutoboa was walking at.

"I paid for Sebastien's bail. We're leaving. That was fucked up what you did, Raegan. Sebastien trusted you. He told me that you were one of the good ones. I was right to want to get rid of you."

Get rid of me?


I opened my mouth to speak, but I saw Sebastien being held by the officer, his handcuffs being unlocked. His eyes were as cold as an Alaskan cave in a dark winter's night: ominous and unforgiving.

Kutoboa threw me into the backseat of a car as he and Sebastien got into the front. The car sped away from the police station and once again I was deep in the Amsterdam night.

I meant to shut my eyes for only a second, but sleep soon took me and the world faded before my eyes.

March 23, ??:??
No clue

My eyes fluttered open at first dawn and the first thing I noticed was that the car was still moving. We had been driving all night.

I had Sebastien and Kutoboa talking so I tried my best not to move and to pretend I was still asleep.

"I say we ditch her in a city. She'll find her way back home and she'll be out of this mess." That was Sebastien's unmistakable voice. His African and British accent chilled me at that moment. It sounded so completely foreign.

"No. No way. She knows too much thanks to you and is a liability to herself and others. Assuming she doesn't speak up about what you've told her, Muuaji will find her instantly. He'll torture information out of her and be on our trail in no time. With that kind of information, we're basically throwing ourselves into his lap. The safest bet is just to kill her and to move on. No one will ever have to know. She was traveling alone after all. Lone American girl travelers disappear all the time. It will never even be questioned."

"Kutoboa, no. There must be another option. I know she fucked up, but it's my fault she's in this mess. I should've just walked away when I saw her in that bar, but I couldn't help myself. She doesn't deserve to die for my mistakes."

"Sebastien, countless people have died for your mistakes. Why is this difficult?"

"She just means something to me, Kutoboa, okay? I can't explain it, but I don't want her dead. She'll be on my watch at all times. I won't let anything like Amsterdam happen again."

"What exactly did you tell her about yourself, Sebastien?"

There was a pause and I leaned forward intuitively. What did he mean by that? "Just that I was a hitman, that's all."

Kutoboa chuckled and goosebumps rose on my skin. "You told her that you were a hitman. Ah, I see. She doesn't know as much as I thought she did then. In that case, I suppose you can make her your prisoner or whatever sick vision you had of doing to her."

"Kutoboa, stop—"

I had been leaning forward too much and I tumbled off the backseat onto the floor of the car. The voices in the front seat stopped immediately and I felt both men turn to look at me.

"Good morning, Raegan." Sebastien's voice was suddenly clipped and a tight smile was strained against his cheeks as he bent down to look at me.

"Good morning!" I said, trying to sound chipper. "I must've rolled in my sleep and fell off the seat."

As I pushed myself back onto the seat, I saw Sebastien and Kutoboa exchange a look. I looked between them, while kicking myself internally. If I hadn't been so goddamn clumsy, I could've heard them finish their conversation.

"Well I hope you're ready for a culture shock, Raegan, because we're in Istanbul." His voice suddenly warm, Sebastien pointed me toward the makings of a city in the distance.


Istanbul, Turkey.

Oh Lord, what were we doing here?

Short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!

What do you think Sebastien meant when he said he only told Raegan that he was just a hitman?

Why do you think they're in Istanbul?

Who do you think Kutoboa really is?

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