Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

March 1, 11:17 AM
Corfu, Greece

I went with him.

Big fucking mistake, Raegan, I know. But it was a gamble with fate either way and I knew the evil that was Sebastien. I didn't quite know the evil that was Muuaji and the Zanzibars and I didn't want to find out. So I stuck with the hitman.

That night we'd taken the next train from Barcelona to Athens. Apparently Muuaji had no control in Greece due to opposing gangs so we should be safe here.

That's what Sebastien told me at least.

As soon as we'd gotten to Athens we took a ferry to Corfu. The islands had little gang violence and we should be able to fly under the radar here.

That's what Sebastien told me at least.

It was all a gamble regarding Sebastien and it started the minute I'd walked into that bar. And the stakes just keep getting higher and higher the more I keep playing.

But gambling is addictive, and although I hated to admit it, I was addicted to the thrill Sebastien had brought into my life. Back in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho my life had been so marginal. It wasn't bad or traumatic. It was nothing like Sebastien's past. But it was boring. And boring can be dangerous when you're exposed to the thrill. Sebastien exposed me to that thrill and now I could never turn back.

Even if I wanted to.

The next few weeks we spent in Corfu were absolute bliss. We rented (stole—let's face it, it's a recurring theme by now) a boat and explored the beaches that were raw and not littered by tourists.

We also rented (okay, stole, I know, I know) mopeds and sped through Corfu Old Town and the beaten paths that led deep into the island's center.

We spent lazy days in the sun and nights in the clubs and restaurants, partying like there was no tomorrow. And for us that threat was constantly looming like a sword dangling over our heads. The rope stretching thinner and thinner, bound to fall and kill at any given moment.

We slept on our beach of choice, snuggled up on this tattered towel Sebastien borrowed (stole—I don't even know why I'm hiding it at this point) from a clothes line we found hanging innocently in the old town.

I fell asleep each night to the sound of waves lapping at our feet and the stars smiling bright above us. Our passports and wallets were tucked into our underwear (brilliant suggestion of Sebastien's) and my head was always buried in his chest.

We had our routine down like clockwork. It was the same every day.

Until once again, it wasn't.

March 21, 7:04 AM
Corfu, Greece

We had woken up with the sunrise, so we could move off the beach before the flocks of tourists and various authorities could come and question our legitimacy.

At this point, we didn't really have a lot of that , in case you haven't noticed.

Sebastien stared at me as I stayed lying down facing him. Our noses were touching and his big blue eyes stared right into my dull olive green ones. He lazily twirled my dirty blonde hair in his hand. "God was showing off when he created you."

I turned away. "God, Sebastien. I can't with you." I was blushing so hard. I never did know what to do with a compliment.

He stood up laughing. "Oh shut up."

That was how all of our mornings started.

And I couldn't stop smiling.

I'd never been so happy.

We wandered down to the local café where we normally had breakfast. The owner, Kostos Kaligares, sold us amazing meals for dirt cheap. I felt kind of bad cheating him like that, but neither of us had bundles of money to spare, hence the stealing and sleeping on the beach.

"Your usual?" Kostos had spoken, with a heavy Greek accent.

We nodded politely. That was our routine. He didn't speak much and neither did we. It was better that way.

After breakfast Sebastien turned to me. "I have a surprise for you, Raegan." There was that shimmer in his eye, that I hadn't seen since that bar in Venice when he asked if I'd go exploring with him.

"A surprise? Sebastien, we've been everywhere together!"

He grinned. "Oh, but not yet we haven't."

I hopped on the back of his (stolen) moped and laughed as the wind blew my hair, a grin plastered to my face.

We got off and I stared at the place he'd taken me. It was a river of sorts that flowed into the ocean. It was surrounded by tall yellow stone covered with trees. I dug my toes into the sand as I watched the sun glisten off the aqua marine water. Silently Sebastien grabbed my hand and we sprinted deep into the channel.

As we stopped to catch our breath, Sebastien tucked a lock of my hair back behind me ear. I put my hand on his chest and I felt his heart beating erratically. "Canal d'amour is what the locals call it or the channel of love. They say those who bathe in its waters are destined to get married someday." His eyes danced with visible excitement.

"Marriage? Is that so?" I asked playfully.

"That's what the legends say," he whispered into my ear, his voice deep and gruff, instantly making my skin hot, an obvious contrast to the cold ocean water.

"I love you, Sebastien." I said. The words had tumbled out of my mouth before I had time to process them. But I meant it.

I loved Sebastien Koyombo.

Sebastien's eyes suddenly clouded and he stepped back away from me, my hand slipping from his chest. "You what?" He spat, shaking his head.


"Raegan, don't. I don't want to hear your American nonsense."

"Sebastien, what are you—"

He silenced me by putting a hand over my mouth. I protested and tried to work my way out of his grip, but his hold on me was iron.

What the hell?

"Shut up, Raegan," he hissed in my ear.

I turned my gaze to follow his and I gulped, my skin instantly clamming up. Surrounding us were a group of men in leather jackets in motorcycles. I hadn't even heard them come up.

"We have to go. Now!" Sebastien motioned for me to come with him, but it was too late.

If we heard them coming, we could have escaped in time. But they were silent under the deafening sound of my "American nonsense".

This was my fault.

And now it was too late.

I really hope you enjoyed Chapter 15!

Why do you think Sebastien reacted the way he did when Raegan said 'I love you'?

Who do you think the group of men surrounding them are?

Don't forget to vote and comment and please share! Come back next Sunday for another installment!

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