Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

We walked away from the crowd, along the shore. I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say and I wasn't willing to try.

Eventually Sebastien sat down on a log that had washed ashore. I sat on the other end.

The waves crashed against the log, swaying it back and forth. Sebastien cleared his throat but didn't say anything.

I don't know how long we stayed like that. It could have been hours or maybe it was just minutes. I didn't really care.

"There was a guy from France." he said. He looked over at me. I didn't look back. "He was a greedy, rich businessman. He was in Jerusalem when he got a local girl there pregnant. Then he left. She was outcasted from her society. She'd had sex before marriage and now she was deemed worthless. After she gave birth to the boy, she sent him floating in a river and then killed herself. A group of monks found the baby in the river and took him in. They were traveling down to Tanzania. When they got there they stopped in a small fishing village before heading on to Zanzibar. They either left the baby there or forgot about it. But nevertheless, he ended up there. A local woman found the baby and cared for it. She took him into her own family as if he was her son. But life in the village was difficult and the boy was ungrateful for the second chance he'd been given. As the boy got older he got more and more restless. When he was seventeen he ran away to Zanzibar. There he lived on the streets and got in with all the wrong people. Those people introduced him to a world of drugs and black markets and sex trafficking. Once he'd realized what he'd gotten himself into he tried to run away, but they caught him. They tied the boy up and threw him in the ocean. When the boy washed ashore that morning he saw his adoptive brother standing there. He didn't know how he'd found him, but he had. His brother told him to go and never come back. And that's what he did.

"I shouldn't have left Felix like that. It was the greatest regret of my life. You've seen what he's become. Because of me. Because I was a coward. I don't know how to express how sorry I am, Raegan. Until now I've just been pushing it all away, but today it all caught up with me. And you got in the middle of it and that's not okay." He paused. "Please say something."

"You know what, I don't care."

"Excuse me?"

I stood up from the log to face him."I don't care. You screwed up, you had a bad childhood, whatever. Join the party. I didn't fly half away around the world to get caught up in someone else's problems. I came here to have fun. As long as you can promise me that we'll never see that creep Felix again, I really don't care."

Sebastien blinked. He blinked again. He stared at me for a good thirty seconds before he finally said, "Okay."

Then he stood up too and walked alongside me back to the boat. The tenseness was gone, just like that. It wasn't the same as it was before Felix, but now we had an understanding on where we stood.

Nothing personal.

Sebastien held out his hand. "Would you be kind enough to hold this while I walk?"

I laughed. "That was so bad." But I took his band anyway.

Sebastien's smirk was back. I'd missed it.

"Um, Sebastien, are you sure this is where we docked?" I asked looking at the deserted beach.

"I'm positive."

I looked around. "Oh shit."


"Look." I said pointing to a white dot in the distance.

The cruise boat.

It had left without us.

We stared at each other. Slowly I started to laugh. And then Sebastien laughed. We both collapsed into the sand with tears in our eyes.

"What do you suppose we do?" Sebastien asked turning over to face me. His face was inches from mine.

"We could live here forever." I traced circles on his chest with my finger. Sebastien gazed down at me. He smirked. God, it was so sexy.

He played with a lock of my hair. "You're beautiful." I blushed. He said I was beautiful, not that I looked beautiful.

He cupped my face and slowly his lips touched mine. My heart pounded. I raked my hand through his dark, wavy hair. It was everything I'd wanted and more. Here on this beach, in the Mediterranean Sea, with sand in my hair, kissing a guy I'd met yesterday.

But as soon as it had started, Felix's face flashed in my mind. Sebastien's lips suddenly felt cold.

I pushed him off.

He nodded and didn't say anything. My heart swelled. He understood. And if he didn't, he wasn't going to ask.

If only his past wasn't so dark.

I guess I did care.

A few meters away I saw Sebastien dragging something wooden.

"Hey, Raegan!" He called.

It was a boat.

A little wooden boat with two little wooden paddles.

"Are you suggesting we get back to Ibiza with this?"

"And what? You're suggesting we swim?"

I sucked at swimming.

So we got on the boat and slowly started paddling back to Ibiza.


Hope you enjoyed the new chapter! I decided to make it light again, but don't worry. We won't ignore Sebastien's past for long. Don't forget to like, comment, and share!

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